

Responses from larsman

Is Rap a valid musical form?
@mglik - Alas, I've been watching it all develop over the past 6 or 7 years with a sense of 'deja vu all over again'. I guess 'instructive lessons of history' can go both ways. 😕 Thanks for the tip on Kendrick's 'Damn'!   
Worst Rock Band Ever !!!!
Blue Oyster Cult are one of my favorite bands of all time - been following them since 1972! Intelligent hard rock; not a common thing...   
T+A Made in Germany
@ghdprentice - I don't doubt at all your experience with Chinese food in China. Here in San Francisco, we have restaurants that serve Chinese dishes from many different provinces of China - Hunan, Szechuan, Hakka, and at least 5 or 6 others. Very ... 
Neil Young calls out Tidal
@cleeds + 1  
McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer
Regardless of my thoughts on McIntosh (I've never owned any of their gear), a dealer who insults a line of products he doesn't carry is a dealer who I would not waste one second of my time listening to....   
Is Rap a valid musical form?
@mglik + 1 Just finished re-reading 'Rise and Fall of the Third Reich', in fact....  
What a pile of Schiit
@borat-sagdiyev - Well, to ME it was 'greatly' - can't swear it will be for you! To me, what it mostly improved was the '3-D, holographic' aspects of the sound, especially through Utopia headphones. I don't need the utmost detail; that's why I lik... 
Buying refurbished gear....
I don't know about Accessories4Less, but I have bought a number of 'refurbished' items and I've not had any problems with any of them. They often come with warranties as well....  
What a pile of Schiit
@borat-sagdiyev - I had a Lyr 3, and I upgraded the tube with another that was not very expensive, and it improved the sound significantly. So you might want to try a few as long as you don't have to fork out too much. Very good amp and good valu... 
Is Rap a valid musical form?
Protest songs in the 60's, punk rock in the 70's, hip-hop in the 80's and beyond - music has always addressed negative social circumstances; it's a great way of reaching a lot of people....   
A** Kicking, Rock and Roll!
Anything by Wolf Eyes; guaranteed to scare the cat or clear out the house after a party. 'Stabbed In the Face', 'Dead In A Boat', and 'Black Vomit' are particular fave tunes! 🤣  
As a chill electronica listener, should I stop at a Med-Fi system?
@fai_v - just keep in mind that sometimes TOO much detail is not desirable and can be distracting - try to listen to as much gear as you can to see how your EDM sounds on it - good luck!   
What phono cartridge is suited for metal and heavy rock?
@mulveling - if you like 'Keeper of the 7 Keys, Part 1', you should definitely check out Helloween's new one that came out last year; probably their best album since that one, and they've gotten some older members back for it. If you like Porcupin... 
Neil Young calls out Tidal
@mapman - Life is too short to argue with these kinds of people.   
What Is So Special About Harbeth?
@bassdude - totally agree that Harbeths are superb for those genres you listed; that was my problem - I had Harbeths, but that ain't the kind of music I listen to! Dunno about that 'any old speaker' being fine for rock, hip-hop, etc, though....