

Responses from larsman

Hey - What Happened to the Beware of Viking Acoustics Thread
@nonoise + 100  
Streaming vs Physical Media
@bkeske  - I've had that for decades, but it's from the Warfield. That's a painting of the Warfield from stage-view on the cover....  If you check the credits in the booklet, it says it was MIXED at Club Front, but this was recorded at the Warfiel... 
Albums you do not get...a plea for help and understanding
@jasonbourne52 + 1 , though 'Days of 49' on 'Self-Portrait' was pretty good. Still, not a very good percentage! Loved 'We're Only In It For the Money', but tried and failed with 'Lumpy Gravy'.   
Streaming vs Physical Media
@bkeske - I didn't know about that JGB from Club Front in 1990 - is that available on CD? I didn't see that on any of the Garcia Live series....  
Ridiculous sale
If somebody feels the amp is worth that much to them and they don't want to wait a year, seems perfectly reasonable to me...   
Albums you do not get...a plea for help and understanding
There are entire genres, like jazz, blues, and country, that do nothing for me; nothing wrong with them, of course - there are great artists in all these genres - or the people who love them, but not for me, and I'm not pleading for help or unders... 
New John Doe on vinyl
Thanks for that info - I'm a big fan of X and of John's stuff; I've seen him perform in San Francisco with the Sadies a few times, too...   
Comments re: MSB Director upgrade cost, additional hardware and cables
Yow! Think I'll stick with my MSB Analog DAC; can't do a Director upgrade on that anyway....   
Mixed Brand Pre-Amp Power Amp Pairings that Work
I've got a Herron Audio tube preamp going into an MSB S-200 power amp, and the sound is superb...   
Your last concert was to see who and when?
This show right here - Kristeen Young, my favorite musical artist, at DNA Lounge in San Francisco 3 weeks ago on April 29....    
Fritz Carrera BE vs. Harbeth 30.1
If you like rock music, Fritz speakers are much more appropriate than Harbeths and will deliver more bass; I've owned both, though I'm currently using KLH Model 5's....   
Best progressive rock album side
@morguldrelb - I got to see Camel play 3 nights in a row, 2 shows per night, at the Boarding House in San Francisco when they were touring on 'Moonmadness'. Beautiful music, they put out.....   
Why cuts into vinyl covers?
They are promos and the covers are disfigured in some way so that they cannot be returned to the record company as defective and get credit for it.   
Best progressive rock album side
@kacomess - somebody else who knows 'Pearls Before Swine'! I don't think I'd call them prog as much as Tom Rapp seemed more like the more surrealistic Dylan stuff. Their first album, 'One Nation Underground', is also excellent...  I'm a big fan o... 
Albums you do not get...a plea for help and understanding
I'm a Deadhead (among other fave genres) and have every one of their live box sets, but I can't understand why anybody would want to hear the studio versions of Grateful Dead songs. I once did, until I found out that that is not what that band is...