
Responses from lacee

Upgrading Fuses
I just popped in two 5A slo blo HiFi Supremes in my old Acoustat tube servo amps.The two 1/2 amp fast blos are on back order,but even with the job half done,the sound has improved.Hard to describe to those who haven't experienced it,and when you t... 
Turning lead into gold ?
This experience has me wondering how good the Grado Statement Ref would sound.I have a friend with the SME 30,V arm and listened to the Stradivari and then the Goldfinger cartridges, however not at the same listening session.The main reason I went... 
fuse types for Esoteric X-03
Esoteric was very prompt in providing me the information about the 5 fuses that I need.4 are 2 amp 250V, one is 4 A,250V- all are 20 mm glass.My guess would be that the 4 amp fuse would be the most logical fuse upgrade.Leaving the other 4 to be do... 
Turning lead into gold ?
Here's an update,the Talisman V2 Gold now has bass.Did I hit the magic burn in hour?Can't be sure about that, but what I do know is that I got bass after I disconnected the tonearm ground leads from my steelhead phono stage.There was a bit of hum ... 
fuse types for Esoteric X-03
That's obvious,I've used Iso Cleans and HiFi supremes in the past, and I'm about to place an order for four for my tube amps,so I'd just like to add to it for the cd player.Most gear has spec list that informs you about what fuses to use, not so t... 
Turning lead into gold ?
But it does happen, like I said, I've heard vast improvements in sound quality between $600.00 speakers and $60,000.00 + speakers.No one would expect them to sound the same, or do the same things, and the difference is audible and it's not your im... 
Turning lead into gold ?
I don't wish to post the name of the new cartridge,that's not fair because it does need more playing time,but it is from a well established company with some truly stellar products that get high praise in all the major reviews.I feel that there is... 
Turning lead into gold ?
The new MC is in the arm and after spinning the first lp, here's my initial impression of a brand new MC 6 times the price of a well worn Grado MM.Faster, more inner detail,but a bit like a lite beer, definetly not for the warm and romantic types.... 
Tube amp for Reference 3A - SET or push-pull?
My last pair of speakers were the Ref 3A Grand Veenas and I powered them to good levels with a 2 watt SET from DecWarem the Zen Select.It has a built in volume control and sounds quite good when you run a single source into it, which is what I did... 
New inexpensive Next Best Tweak
I've used Blue tack on the inside metal chassis of most of my components.I also damped the inside spaces of a few cd players and this helped reduce a bit of ringing,which I find is always present in digital gear.I also like to use some copper shee... 
HiFi Tuning Fuses
The only direction that matters were the directions from Peter Aczel that fuses degrade sound.No matter what direction a Hifi fuse arrow is pointing to, the sound will still be better than a stock fuse.I have usually bypassed all fuses in the past... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Having just listened to a pair of Tannoy Westminster Royals I would have to add them to my list of speaker choices that I've enjoyed.I would place these in the top level with, Sonus Faber Stradivari,SoundLab Ulitmate One,ML CLX,all very fine speak... 
Tannoy Westminster Royal HE
I just heard this speaker for the first time yesterday.I used to own the Tannoy Arden,which also uses a 15 inch concentric,but that's about where the similarities end.This speaker is in a whole other zone.I heard it driven with a 17 watt el84 push... 
The Hub: Acoustat X: 'stats with tubes!
Update, the Acoustats are sounding even better with my new naim cd player.I have found a source for tubes for the amps ,enough to keep me running for a number of years, or until I run out of time.Very happy I made the move to this set up, not that... 
Clear Day Cables Speaker Cables
I have nothing but praise for the wires and the manufacturer,first class product, and IMOP not over-priced.I use them in a second system in a small room with a DecWare Zen select amp and a pair of crossoverless 8 inch single driver speakers.The sp...