
Responses from kurt_tank

Can a MC cartridge be used with a MM preamp?
Yes it should. 
good phono amp under 1000?
I second the ARC PH-3. It is a good solid tube preamp.It has 54 db of gain, which should be good enough for most mid to high output cartridges. (Anything at or above 0.5 mv output should work well). 
Revel studio or B&W 802 Nautilus
I liked the Revel Studios better myself. They are a natural given your amplifier. The Revels are designed to use Mark Levinson equipment.) The Revels do pretty much everything very well (i.e. soundstage, image, frequency response, etc..) The bass ... 
money best spent on better dac, transport, preamp?
Are you sure that the ML 27.5 has the power to drive the 801's? That is only 100wpc. How big is your room?I ask, because I used to have the ML 27, and when I got my Revel Studio speakers, I upgraded to the ML 23, (200 wpc). The sound is better, as... 
Has anyone used electronic pocket scales for VTF?
I have a similar one. It works, but the problem is getting the right vertical height to place the scale so it is the same height as a record. Typically I have to place the scale on a block off to the side of the platter, and then place the sytlus ... 
Freaked out about having a TT shipped
If you buy a Basis turntable, they have them packaged very well. I bought a used one (Basis 1400) from a guy in New Jersey, and it arrrived safely with no problems. (Just make sure the seller has the original packaging and you should be ok, at lea... 
Help Me Interim Speakers Suggestions?
I have not heard the Harbeths, so I can make no judgement on them.However, I have heard the Tetra speakers, and they do sound incredible, especially for the size and price.Another thought is the small Sonus Faber speakers (I can not remember the m... 
Preamp for JRDG 302 + Avalon Eidolon
My friend uses a ARC Ref. 1 with his Eidolons. His phono preamp is an Aesthetix Rhea.FYI: His amp(s) are currently either a SS Classe 401 or the VTL MB 450 monoblocks. Both amps sound great, btw.His system is the one that I admire the most of any ... 
No one cares this is the anniversary?
I care.God Bless our troops, whereever they may lay down their lives! 
Opus 21 cable questions
Thanks for the initial responses.Additional questions then:Has anyone compared the sound using XLR connections vs the DIN-RCA cable? (I realize that it compares running the signal through the volume control via the XLR cables against the DIN-RCA c... 
What kind of music did you/will you get married to
At my wedding, we had Led Zeppelin's "Thank You" and The Beatles "The End" sung. Unfortunately, both groups had broken up at that point, or I am sure they would have come to perform personally. 
Who Would Have Thought?
Apparently you have never been to a construction job site.These guys all use cordless tools now, and there are always at least one, and sometimes several, boomboxes going at the job sites I go to. (I am a civil engineer/land surveyor). It is so pr... 
Tannoy Turnberry vs Revel Studio vs SF Cremona
I too own the Studios. They are a very good, and very neutral type of speaker. They have great frequency range response and they soundstage and image quite well. I auditioned the Cremonas and they are a fine speaker as well. However, they were too... 
Avalon vs Kharma
I agree wtih Trcnetmsncom, skip the Opus. Those downward firing woofers just muddy up the bass, IMHO. I was not impressed with the sound of them when I was doing my speaker search. Stick with the Eidolons.(By the way, if you have the big bucks ava... 
Ideal distance from TV to sitting/viewin position
It depends on whether you are using it for normal TV viewing or you are trying to use it for Home theater.(You state "Just for TV/Screen", which leads me to believe it will be used just for normal TV viewing, however, the sizes you state, leads me...