
Responses from kurt_tank

How Much Time do You Surf on Audiogon?
Way too much time!(However, I have gotten some really good deals, because I pounced on them quickly!) 
Best redbook CD playback system for $30k
I agree with Ron (Rlips), buying used is the way to go. You get so much more for your dollar. (For me, this was more a labor of love, as listening to music is my hobby.)Buying used allowed me to put together a system for half the amount that buyin... 
Pass XA160 or Rowland 302 for Eidolon Diamonds
Well, since you have not gotten any help so far, I will tell you what my friend uses for his Eidolons (regular version, not the diamond version).He uses a Classe CA 401. 400 wpc of pure power really makes them sound great. (He also has a pair of V... 
Another CD Player shopping question
Well here are the few that I had my list narrowed down to before I bought mine a couple of months ago.Also enclosed are the approximate (used) prices: Cary 306/200 ($2,300/with volume control, $2,000 w/o)Ayre CX-7 ($2,000)Resolution Audio Opus 21 ... 
What tattoo to get next?
What?! No Pictures?!Come on, post 'em! 
Any superb balanced dacs up to $2,500 used??
As a thought, you might want to consider a used Resolution Audio Opus 21. (You can use it as a dac if you wish, but it is a fine stand alone cd player).A friend has a Vecteur as well, and it is a good cd player. However, my Opus 21 betters it in m... 
Phono stage and preamplifier opinions....
You could also look for an old Counterpoint preamp. They were great in their day. (I used to have a 3.1). They were a full function preamps, with built-in phono boards. Very musical. They usually run only a few hundred dollars now.The only caveat ... 
tube amp shoot-out
In response to your question:I have a friend who has an incredible stereo system.(Avalon Eidolon speakers, ARC Ref. 1 preamp, Aesthetix Rhea phono preamp, VPI HRX TT, with Koetsu Urushi cartridge, and a Opus 21 cd player.) He and I have tried seve... 
tube amp shoot-out
Welcome to the audiophile club. You have discovered what all of us have discovered, is that audio equipment is all about compromises. As the equipment gets better (and usually more expensive!), the compromises get smaller. But, the compromises nev... 
How Revealing Should a System Be?
Interesting thought. I do agree that the music is the point of all this audio equipment.Perhaps one solution would be to have either more than one source or more than one system.Or even searching out better source material, (which I will admit tha... 
Wilson WP7 vs JM Lab Alto BE vs Avalon Eidolon
I have heard the WP7's and the Eidolon's. I have not heard the JM Lab Alto BE's though.That being said, the Eidolon is one of the finest speakers I have every heard. A friend has some and has a similar set up to your own. He has the same turntable... 
Anyone familiar with Resolution Audio CD21?
I picked up a fully updated, used one a couple of months ago. It is two steps above my previous cd player, the Sony DVP-9000ES. The resolution is amazing. (Much closer to analog sound than a cd player has a right to sound!)My friend, who has an in... 
New "Faces" Box Set
Check out Audio Asylum. A couple of "inmates" have purchased it and loved it. (I too am interested, as they are one of my old favorites as well.) 
Suspension vs. non-suspension turntables???
Yes, I have owned some of your "usual suspects". Here are my impressions of the differences between the two.I started with the (non-suspension) Basis 1400, with a RB300 arm and a Koetsu Black cartridge. It was a very good upper entry level table. ... 
Best table in $1500 range
How about a few other bits of information first:Do you have a phono stage?If so, what is it, and what is it's gain?If not, what budget do you have for that, or does the $1,500 include that too?Do you have a cartridge?If so, what is it, and what is...