
Responses from kurt_tank

record storage?
Try these from Tony's woodshop.Apparently a lot of people on Audio Asylum like them.http://www.tonyswoodshop.com/cdholder.htmlPersonally, I am probably going to go with the LP rack from Music Direct, as it has a higher WAF, and it is on wheels. 
Looking for great cd player with analog volume
I second the Resolution Audio Opus 21 nomination. Very detailed and musical player. Comes closer to analog than any other CD player I have heard.My second choice would be the Cary 306/200, with the optional volume control. A bit more expensive, bu... 
Guilty Pleasures?
Henryhk,We all have our guilty pleasures.However, none of us have guilty pleasures along the lines of what you're listening to.I am afraid I will have to ask you to leave.Sorry about that!Sincerely,Those of us with good taste!PS If you melt all th... 
Calling all electricians for advice on wiring home
My advise is to listen to Albertporter.I just had my house wired with dedicated circuits.I used 10/2 romex. And yes, my electrician bitched and moaned about how difficult it was using the 10 gauge wire too!And since Albert won't push his own produ... 
Preamp Recommendations Lamm, Ayre K-1x, BAT 31SE
Well, I have had a chance to listen a little more to my stereo after I had the dedicated circuits installed.Definitely better bass response. Seems a little quicker, deeper and better defined.Most definitely quieter background on both CD and analog... 
holiday suggestions...
Definitely the S.F. Bay Area should be a top contender.We have one of the premier analog shops in the South Bay (The Analog Room in San Jose). They have a dozen or more turntables setup and waiting to be played, along with all the electronics, mos... 
Revel studio + voice Best amps Bryston or Proceed
I use a Mark Levinson No. 23 (200wpc), and I really like the sound. Whichever amp you get, I suggest that it have either plenty of power (150 wpc minimum) or plenty of current (i.e. monoblocks), or preferably both. I originally had a Levinson No. ... 
Preamp Recommendations Lamm, Ayre K-1x, BAT 31SE
Artg,Thanks for the update. I appreciate your testing that out.Glad to see you really like the Ayre! (I will let you know if running dedicated lines helps out, as those are being installed tomorrow!)(If you are ever so inclined, the phono boards a... 
Preamp Recommendations Lamm, Ayre K-1x, BAT 31SE
Congrats on joining the Ayre K-1X club!Also, good choice on the cabling. I too use a Cardas Golden Reference between my amp and preamp. (Although I do use an Audience AU24 for my cdp to preamp cable. It works quite well too.)If you use the PS Audi... 
Meitner DCC2 vs. Analog - Opinions Please
Rlips,It seems to me that you are contemplating committing totally to analog without having ever tried it.(Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, btw.)I love analog, and certainly recommend it, highly in fact.However, you seem to have decided that... 
Cartridge break-in: with or without tears?
I too just play records and let it break in slowly. Given that cartridges only last a thousand (or maybe two thousand hours, if you are lucky), I hate giving away 10% or so of my cartridge's life on break-in. I might as well listen and enjoy how m... 
Turntable suggestions for under 1000 New or Used
Basis 1400, with RB 250 or 300 arm.I have seen these pop up for less than $1,000 (used, of course), a couple of times in the past few months.I started with one, and it was very detailed, very musical and easy to set up. It had a pretty dark backgr... 
Interconnect downstream flow
I can agree with all of the posts above.However, and while this is not your situation, but my own, I have put my best interconnect between the preamp and amp.My reasoning is that I listen primarily to two sources, my turntable and my CD player. (A... 
Preamp Recommendations Lamm, Ayre K-1x, BAT 31SE
I have the Ayre K-1X preamp, and I am very, very happy with it. (I sincerely doubt I will be upgrading this unit for a long, long time, if ever.)I too wanted a preamp with a remote, so I completely understand your wanting one. (Adjusting the volum... 
To much high
I agree that treating the room is definitely the best approach. I will not repeat any of the excellent advice already given.However, if that is impossible, for either room constraints or spouse constraints (Boy, I know the later!), than rather tha...