
Responses from kurt_tank

Good automatic TT's
I can give you two recommendations.One, sober up! (Just kidding, kind of.)I too have had a couple of minor problems when I had a couple of glasses of wine, but I have a system now that seems to prevent accidents. I suggest that you develop your ow... 
A prospective Teres owner with questions
Two items to consider.One, given that Teres tables seem to have a pretty dedicated following, you might want to post a "wanted" ad for a Teres 150 table (or perhaps a slightly better model, since you would be buying it used, you might get a better... 
Revel Studio or Revel Salon?
I found that I prefered the Revel sound myself to the Wilson sound. I can't describe why, I think they just sounded "right". (But if you prefer the Wilson sound, go for it. If the money is an issue, consider the Wilson Sophia, as it is the competi... 
ideal room size
This is the room dimension ratio (from memory), from Harley's book.1.0(Height) x (1.9)Length x (1.4)Width 
Best all around box speaker between 15K and 25K
Hey! It was a great pen! Worth the vote!The Joseph Pearl is also a good speaker.(Didn't hurt that they were running on Manley NeoClassic250's in Triode mode.)My choice though is still the Avalon Eidolon, and if you want me to write it with my nift... 
Clueless and Seeking advice on TT purchase
I was in your same boat about a year ago.I started out with the Basis 1400, w/RB300 arm.It is a great entry level table. (Actually it is a step up from entry level, IMHO.)I recommend finding a used one however, as the new prices of the Basis line ... 
Best all around box speaker between 15K and 25K
My vote: Avalon Eidolons. 
Vandys 5A Avalon Eidolon Wilson WP7 Aerial 20
I like the Revel Salons also, and they are a good choice as well. (I own the Studios, the reason being that they sound very close to the Salons.)That being said, a friend has the best system I know, and he uses the Avalon Eidonlons. Make sure you ... 
Revel Studio speaker w/Music Reference RM-200 amp?
The more I investigate this though, the more I am convinced that I really need 200W/ch. @ 4 Ohms. In reading a review of the Studios, the reviewer said his VTL 100's did not quite cut it, as it did not have enough "head room". (He said that his 14... 
Revel Studio speaker w/Music Reference RM-200 amp?
Ok, here are the answers to your questions, Zaikesman.Musical tastes are mostly rock (75%), but I like jazz as well (20%).(Also orchestral music (5%), but not a lot.)Listening room is 24'x16'x8'. I have the speakers on the long wall. The room is c... 
Which Tube Amp?
Thanks to all of you who responded to my thread!!!Unfortunately, my wife has thrown me a curve, and has knocked my budget down to $0. (Of course, I can always sell something to get the money, so I figure my budget is now around $2K, which is what ... 
Which Counterpoint Preamp SA-5000 or SA- 5.1???
For what it is worth, the 5000 replaced the 5.1.I know the 5.1 was considered a very good preamp in its day.I will point out that the relibility of the Counterpoint line was its weak point.I had a 3.1, and it had a few minor problems as well.Mostl... 
Nottngham space with Koetsu
I recommend you call Brian, at The Analog Room in San Jose, California. He is our local analog guru. He sells both the Nottingham tables (as well as SME, Basis, Clearaudio, Rega, etc...) and he is a leading proponent of Koetsu Cartridges. (He got ... 
Cary V12 Monoblock with Revel Studio
I think it would work, but just barely. (The V12 has 100W/ch, correct?)I used to use my Levinson No. 27 (100W/ch.) but quickly upgraded to the No. 23 (200W/ch) as it sounded better. The No. 27 did not sound bad, just not as open and dynamic as the... 
Hello Wadia Again and Agon
Oliver Stone couldn't unearth the real truth if it hit him square between his beady little eyes!Thanks Audiogon for coming through!I had contributed to that same thread, and I too wondered what had happened to it.