
Responses from kurt_tank

Bands who'se names describe thier sound.
Blues TravelerBlack SabbathLed ZeppelinZoya, good list, but I don't know about Mannheim Steamroller though. I think of that name as belonging to a heavy metal or Goth band. 
Best Amp for 2000$ or lower. New or Used
Mark Levinson No. 23 Cost is about $2K used.It is a SS 200W/ch. amp.Very refined, powerful and dynamic.Has great bass extension.Works great with my Ayre K-1x preamp in bringing out the most in my music.My Two cents worth.PS If it matters to you, w... 
Top phono cartrige to match jfrech's system ...
I think one of the high end Koetsu platinums, (like the Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum you suggest), would work well. My turntable dealer uses the SME 30 and he only ever uses Koetsu Cartridges. (I think he is now using the "tigers eye" Koetsu... 
What tattoo to get next?
I agree with pretty much all the posts so far.1) Don't do it.2) If you must do it, do it right, and get something classy.3) Don't do it.4) If you must do it, I suggest either the Pink Floyd cover to Dark Side of the Moon. (That would be impressive... 
Pre-amp selection: Ayre Vs ARC
I recently upgraded from an ARC LS-2 and ARC PH-3 to the Ayre K-1X preamp, with the phono stage. I have no doubts that it was a definite improvement, especially in the phono stage. The lowered noise floor of the Arye over both ARC units was amazin... 
What other obsessions do you have?
Hey Themadmilkman, finally a fellow video game player!I thought for sure there would be a bunch of us videogamers on this site.My other interests/obsessions include:Wine (Seems a common thread, and it goes nicely with listening to music!)Pretty mu... 
Tube base preamp suggestions
If you can buy used (I almost always do), than these weill be in your price range:Hovland HP-100 (Great phono stage, slightly weak LF response- no remote)CAT Ultimate (Very good phono stage - no remote)ARC LS-25, Mk II (No phono stage - with remot... 
VPI Scout
I'm not a VPI owner, but I can recommend purchasing a record cleaning machine. The rcm will clean your records better than hand cleaning. You should clean them prior to playing them, at least the first time you play them, and yes, including the ne... 
would you bother?
Wow, no LPs, huh?!_____Tough call!I think if I were you, I would buy a few of my favorite recordings on LPs. Try to pick a few of your very favorites, espcially those that were either recorded for analog first (ie. before the '90s) or are accousti... 
Amp/Speaker selection help.
If you are going to be using it for movies mostly, (and audio as a secondary use), I recommend getting a good HT receiver. There are lots of them out there that can work for both home theater as well as audio. This will allow you the maximum flexi... 
Best TT/Arm combo fro $2,000-2,500
I have recently upgraded to the Basis 2001, with a RB900 arm. I like it very much. BTW, it too is a suspension table. I purchased it used for about $2,200.However, you did not say which arm you were going to get with the Basis. If you have the mon... 
Beogram 3000 linear tracking worth resurecting?
You absolutely must use a B&O MMC serier of cartridge. No other one will work to the bet of my knowledge. The $125 price isthe standard price for the MMC 4 currently. (I know this because 6 months ago I sold my B&O 3000 to my brother in la... 
Revel Studio vs. JM Lab Micro BE
I have the Studios as well, and really, really like them.However, I use a Mark Levinson No. 23 amp (SS with 200W/ch.) The additional power really helps open up the sound, especially in the bass.It seems to me that you are going to have to make a d... 
Beogram 3000 linear tracking worth resurecting?
I used to use that turntable for many years (from the mid 80's to the mid 90's, when I gave up on vinyl, and went to CD full time). I have since gotten back into vinyl, in a big way, but that is another story.Good points: The table was mid-fi at i... 
High gain phono stage
A friend has the Rhea. As Rwd says, "very impressive".Benefits are: Very low noise floor. Fully adjustable gain and loading,FROM A REMOTE!!!!Can't get much better than that, can you?!If you have the money, go for it is my recommendation.Also, you ...