
Responses from kurt_tank

Alternatives to Revel Studios?
In the second to the last paragraph, I inadvertantly wrote the word... "avoid" the Eidolon Diamonds. It should have been "afford". (That is what comes from writing while one has a cold I suppose.) Sorry for the confusion. 
Alternatives to Revel Studios?
Steve01s4To answer your questions:I think the Lamm's would work acceptably with the Eidolons. I looked at the specs for the Lamm's and it apears that they have 200 wpc at 4 ohms, which is what the Eidolons (and the Studios) both have. (The RM9s wo... 
Alternatives to Revel Studios?
I understand your love for the Studios, as I have them too.I think that your RM9's were not really powerful enough for the Studios, which is why you felt something was lacking. (I started out with a Levinson 27 (100wpc) and when I went up to the L... 
Regrets, I've had a few...
None.I still have every album and every CD I ever cared about.(And a whole bunch I don't care about.)I can count on one hand the number of albums, cassettes and CDs I have gotten rid of. None of which I even care to mention. (Like Styx, Yuch! Sorr... 
Budget speaker selection help
My brother in law just bought some used Thiel CS.5 speakers. They are pretty small floorstander, and yet sound pretty decent for the money. (Not a lot of bass, but they image well and the frequency response is pretty flat.) You could do worse that... 
Budget speaker selection help
My opinion is that the Paradigm Titans are better sounding than the Atoms, and only a few bucks more. The Atoms, while possibly having a flatter frequency response, have very little bass response. (I.e. almost none really).I prefer the Titans beca... 
Koetsu Rosewood Sig. v Koetsu Rosewood SigPlat
I suggest you check out 10audio.com. Jerry does a really nice job of reviewing 5 Koetsu cartridges, from the Black, all the way up to the Rosewood Signature Platinium.FYI: The output of the RSP is about 0.2 mv, as opposed to the RWS which is about... 
Jim Capaldi RIP.
Wow! Really sad day for Rock n' Roll!C123666, I was at that show as well.A very good show as I recall! 
My current Benz-Micro ACE low or Koetsu Black?
I upgraded from the Benz Micro Glider 2 (the next step up from the ACE) to the Koetsu Black.I felt it was a worth while upgrade myself, however, I will point out that there were trade offs.First, the Koetsu takes at least twice as long to break in... 
$2000 budget -- what to buy?
Your plan sounds decent, although I am not that familar with some of those components.My brother-in-law was in the same boat a month or two ago, and this is what he got.Basis 1400 turntable, w/RB 300 arm. - (used $850)Grado Gold (new $125)Thule Sp... 
How can you take a warp out of a LP?
Well, you can either spend the big bucks ($1,700, I believe) to buy this machine which is designed to eliminate warps, http://www.amusicdirect.com/products/detail.asp?cat=&sku=AAIRTIGHTDT01Or, you can find somebody, or some business, who has t... 
Causes of long term listening fatigue?
I pretty much agree with Elizabeth, especially since you stated that your preferences are for listening at low volume levels.However, I will give you my opinion on speakers for low level listening, since you appear to be shopping for them at the m... 
Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use?
I use a Resolution Audio Opus 21, as does my friend.(So count that as two votes!) 
Audio Aero Prima vs. Resolution Audio Opus 21
Mijknarf is correct. It is no problem.Using the DIN output just removes one more device from the sound chain, and since I use a preamp anyway, it just makes more sense (for me anyway) to avoid going through the volume control. 
shipping heavy speakers oversea
I will state that when the Revel Studios I bought were sent to me via a trucking company, they were on a small pallet. Both speakers were not only wrapped to each other, but were wrapped to the pallet as well.Therefore, I HIGHLY recommend that you...