
Responses from kurt_tank

Whats better than VTL 450 for the money?
Braro,Yes, you are correct, the aesthetics (their looks) are not outstanding on the VTLs. (The sonics, on the other hand, are!) The Manleys that my friend used to own, had the gold face (as opposed to the standard silver face), and they looked gor... 
Whats better than VTL 450 for the money?
A buddy has these, and for the money, they are a great deal.The bass is good, but not great. (But I would not let that stop you, as only solid state amps have better bass, in my experience anyway.)The Manley Neoclassic 250 is pretty good as well, ... 
Any opinions on Audiomat Amps?
My friend tried that exact system.He currently used an Audiomat intergrated tube amp.(FWIW, it has a very nice sound and it seems to have more power than it is rated for.) He has B&W speakers, CDM7's (or something like that) and they sound pre... 
how did this happen?
Okay, you two officially have me spooked.What type of preamps do you two, (Rwwear, and your friend), have, by the way?Do they have remote controls?(Is that why this is happening?)I have never heard of this happening before.Frightening actually.Sor... 
In what ways is Mark Levinson better than Krell?
Gonglee3,Are you aware that the 23.5 is a power amp?Your original post stated you were looking for a integrated amp. Getting one of these amplifiers will mean you will have to buy a preamp.This will double your cost, at least.Seperates are the way... 
Whats with "Cut Outs"
I believe that the music stores were not allowed (by the record companies) to cut the price of regular albums beyond a certain point, unless that album (or cover) had been damaged. Therefore, to get rid of albums that had been sitting too long, th... 
In what ways is Mark Levinson better than Krell?
I too own a Levinson amp.I recommend that you get the Krell.Why?Because you listened to both units you are considering, and preferred the sound of the Krell.Trust your own ears!Good luck! 
Best Neil Young Album?
Live Rust would by my favorite.One of the best live albums ever.(I lucked out and got a japanese Import vinyl copy many years ago. It sounds incredible.)My two cents worth, anyway. 
Best Song or AlbumTitles?
Spooky Tooth's "You broke my Heart, so I busted your Jaw" 
Bang and Olufsen
My opinion is that they were near the top of mid-fi equipment manufacturers. (Based on my experience, back when I had a B&O beogram 3000 turntable about 15 years ago). Their equipment was decent sounding, but not really up to audiophile standa... 
Tube amp upgrade/repair in San Jose Bay Area
Nick Gowan in Campbell is who repaired two of my friends tube amps. True Sound is the name of the shop.Give him a call at 408-370-7578email = gowan@tsound.comwebsite = http://www.tsound.com/ 
Linn Ikemi vs Resolution Audio Opus 21
Much like Theo, except the opposite. (Although I have heard of the Ikemi, but never actually heard one.)I love my Opus 21, it clearly outclasses every other cdp I have ever heard. The sound is as close to analog as I have ever heard a cdp come. It... 
Sony DVP-S9000ES redbook playback
I agree with Philjolet.I too have a Sony 9000ES, and its' redbook was pretty standard stuff. (I am the second owner and have had it for a couple of years, so it is well broken in). Detailed and extended is a good way to put it. Emotionless is anot... 
Sonus Faber of Wilson Sophia for McIntosh
These are two completely different sounding speakers.You really need to go and listen for yourself to decide if you like the warmth of the Sonus Faber or the detail of the Sophia. Both are good speakers so you can't really go wrong with either one... 
VTL 450 or Parasound JC-1
I too love the sound of the VTL 450s, but the thing that has always kept me from getting them is a slight lack of bass slam (I said slight, so no flames!), but primarily the amount of heat that they generate. Living in a warm state like California...