

Responses from kr4

Digital AMPs - Bel Canto
I don't think it will be a problem. First, while one cannot be certain of any company's long-term prospects, BelCanto seems to be doing very well across a wide line of products. Second, the amps consist of commonly available parts plus the Tripath... 
SACD vs DVD-A speaker set-up geometry
For music, the geometry is the same and direct-radiators are recommended. Bipole/dipole surround speakers are a hold-over from the DVD/cinema/Dolby recommendations.Kal 
DVD-A, SACD with Cal Audio 2500 series Gear
See my review at www.stereophile.com under Music in the Round.Kal 
B&W Nuatilus
And just finished a story on it for www.stereophile.com. should appear next week.Kal 
Are the B&W N800 that good?
In the new line, the 800s are only(!) $4k more than the 801s.Kal 
B&W Nuatilus
??? Try B&W, of course. I have the discs/printed material but cannot post them unless I (or someone else) get the time to do a write-up for Stereophile's website. 
Do power conditioners help with unwanted hum/noise
It really depends on what the source of the hum/noise is. You need to define the problem before throwing money at it.Kal 
B&W Nuatilus
The new ones are 'almost' indistinguishable from the old. Kal 
SACD/CD Question
Aceto-My response was only meant to underscore your point that, although such allegations have been made by many, there is no evidence that such has been a policy for any label. I did not intend to admonish or criticize you.Kal 
B&W Nuatilus
New line. Diamond tweeter, new crossover, new LF diaphragms, modified cabinet. Many(!) models.Kal 
DVD-A, SACD with Cal Audio 2500 series Gear
Sony TA-P9000ES. Discontinued but they show up.Kal 
B&W Nuatilus
Ask again in a few days. B&W is hosting a press event on Wednesday.Kal 
SACD/CD Question
You wrote: "Without any corroborating evidence, I must mention that in the print media I noticed a story that said these bi-discs would have intentional degradation of thesound quality of the old format, another said that the player would degrade ... 
SACD/CD Question
There's no assurance that the CD layer is superior to a contemporary Redbook release. If you want to compare hybrid CD layer with previous/older issues, that's another story.Kal 
What's a good integrated with a theater setting?
Take a look at the Linar 10. Integrated multichannel amp.Kal