

Responses from kr4

Home Theater Upgrade Help - NHT/Lexicon
"I would like a processor that has automatic room equalization using microphones." The only one of your options that will satisfy this criterion is 3.Kal 
Useful tweaks for Oppo 980/DTC 9.8 for MC-SACD
Are you running the 980H via HDMI? If so, I doubt there are any useful tweaks. If not, you should.Kal 
who makes a decent center channel speaker?
Well, I have yet to see/hear a Maggie center, other than those paired 20.1s, that is entirely successful.Kal 
Built in DSP = digital equalizer?
A digital signal processor is just that. I takes in data processes/transforms it according to a program (usually firmware) and outputs the result. If the program is to work as an equalizer, it is an equalizer. If the program is to decode DolbyTrue... 
who makes a decent center channel speaker?
But off-center, if I read you correctly. 
Bryston SP2
IMHO, not any more. New models with HDMI on the horizon.Kal 
who makes a decent center channel speaker?
What comment is needed? I would see if the phantom arrangement is satisfactory for you. Planar centers have not bee very successful. The best Maggie center I have hear, for example, was a pair of 20.1s angled together with the tweeters together an... 
who makes a decent center channel speaker?
Yes, they come from decent houses but, unless I went through and looked up each and every one, I cannot say anything about them, one way or the other. I suspect there are one or two that would not appeal to me. (Are any of them MTM?)Kal 
anyone compare HD DD w/ DVD to 1.3a receiver in?
That is what I am saying but within reasonable price/performance windows. First, I am speaking of multichannel primarily but the observations apply to 2 channels as well. Second, the Oppo/Integra combo was better via HDMI than analog and so was th... 
anyone compare HD DD w/ DVD to 1.3a receiver in?
Yup. Agreed. Pretty consistent. Exceptions when the equipment is ill-matched.Kal 
who makes a decent center channel speaker?
I am not endorsing (or not not endorsing) Iplaynaked's list because I so not have experience with many of them but would endorse the recommendation that the center match the L/R and, if possible, not be of the horizontal MTM, WMTMW, or WTM configu... 
Surround Processor with Integrated Amp
Assuming you are only passing the front 2 channels from a surround processor through the integrated amp, you need to use the volume control in the processor. The VC in the amp should be kept at a fixed setting.Kal 
who makes a decent center channel speaker?
To much to read in Iplaynaked's post but he takes my comment beyond its intentions and implications. Adding Audyssey/ARC will correct FR anomalies between the speakers, whether those are due to the speakers themselves or to the room. Otherwise, wh... 
"small profile" Center Channel
Other recommendations notwithstanding, you need to get a center channel that is timbre-matched to the L/R speakers that you now have. That usually means from the same manufacturer and from the same line. Anything else will create changes as sounds... 
Meridian Blu Ray?
No BD support? By that, I assume you mean no HDMI support but, of course, that many change at CES.Kal