
Responses from knghifi

VAC Renaissance Pre-amp owners - Help
Podeschi, the more open sound direction is probably out of phase. Initially I prefer the correct direction but flipped it ... guess fuse was not fully broken before my experiment.I replaced all my HiFi Gold and Supreme with Audio Magic Nano-Liquid... 
Audio Research Ref 5 and Krell amps
Sfstereo and Kennyt, what IC and SC are you guys using with your Krells? 
VAC Renaissance Pre-amp owners - Help
Podeschi, I flipped the Hi-Fi Supreme direction in my VAC Sig MKIIa and I think I prefer your direction now. :-):-) Sounds is not as open but image is tighter and better defined. 
TRL Dude or Joule 150 MKII for Major Pre Upgrade
Grannyring, Have you tried connecting the cd player to the amp with and without pc in the cd player? If same buzz noise, then narrowed the problem to the amp.Have you check the tubes in the amp? Once I had a bad input/driver tube in my tube monos ... 
Would you use a smartphone as a controller?
Yep, using iphone app to control my MW Transporter and Boom and not looking back. With iphone 4s, it's fast and loaded with features that I need plus FREE. 
Best tube preamp ever
Semi, with the IEC connector at the bottom of the chassis, what power cable do you use? 
Best tube preamp ever
Semi, I was seriously considering an Einstein MKII when in the market for a preamp. Do you roll tubes with your Einstein? It uses tons of tubes so just curious. I think Sovtek is stock? 
loose IEC power cord connection?
I move the components to a lower shelve on my racks so it doesn't hang as much and fall out. 
What is the best transport?
01-27-12: BranislavI wonder what the advantages of PS Audio PWT transport is compared to just saving your cds in your computer...Branislav (Threads | Answers | This Thread)I think the advantage is with PWT, data is stored in SS memory so it avoids... 
What is the best transport?
Anyone using computer based system, BACK UP your music. Several years ago my external USB drive died and thank GOD it was backed up. 
What is the best transport?
I`m sure computer audio based systems can sound excellent,at this stage many CD users just are`nt 'compelled' to change just yet.I `m certain at some point in the future many will make that transition but there`s no great sense of urgency. Charles... 
What is the best transport?
I've been using a computer based system since 2007 and from my experience, it has fully arrived. All music ripped to a laptop running SB server talking via wireless network to MW Transporter and using my iPhone to control tbe player.Also with comp... 
Tellarium Ultra Black VS Supra Sword IXLR
Had Supra Sword XLR IC and it was ok. At the time, I much much prefer Zu Varial MK3 and Cardas GR. 
Changes to Shunyata's power cord line up?
How much is the Zi-Tron Python and King Cobra PC retail? 
Network VS.....
It depends on your system and no definitive answer. When I was using Krell amps, I find MIT ICs and SC worked best. In my current system, I find them rolled off in the highs, artificial sounding and missing some frequency ranges.