
Responses from knghifi

Tube Roll for McIntosh C2300 PreAmp
Telefunken ribbed plates 
Removing power conditioner...
Weizhi PRS-6 that restored the NATURAL tone of my components and the only drawback is no surge protection.My house is ~10 years old with 2 20 amp dedicated lines and area has good quality electricity but found best plugging everything into the Wei... 
Vac Sig MKII tube circuit upgrade
Drummermitchell, finally settled with 60's Siemens Cca and Telefunken 12au7 ribbed plates. From my experience, the 12au7 position is as sensitive to tube rolling as 6922/e88cc/7308. I found the stock Philips 6189w too warm and congested for my tas... 
Vac Sig MKII tube circuit upgrade
04-11-12: DrummermitchellI believe just the MKII as the IIA has that tube swap option installed already.Drummermitchell (Threads | Answers | This Thread)Not true. Only the later Sig MKIIa has the tube swap option. I ordered my Sig MKIIa in mid 201... 
Pass Labs INT-150 with Power Plant Premier
04-09-12: DarkkeysThis answer was received from Pass Labs........Interesting! I had a PPP and found it doesn't work with my tube monos rated @650Va per mono. Theortically it should work ... The PPP would heat up and fan screaming loud. Out of cour... 
Fusion Audio Romance series cables
Owenlee, what Mojo PCs are you using and with the components in your system? Have you tried the Mojo XPC-7 PC? 
Oppo 95: Burn-in...and Fan
I had a MW Oppo 83 and one of the reasons I moved on from it was the fan noise and heat it generates. If I get a MW Oppo 95 for Blu-ray, will try running it without the cover so fan SHOULD not come on. 
Best tube rolling options for VAC Ren MkIII preamp
Podeschi, How can you come to a conclusion on a NOS tube after 1 hour of listening? I guess you don't believe in break-in period? :-):-) 
Long IC pre to amp
I run a 4M ASI Liveline XLR from pre to amp without any issues. Compared it to a 1.5M and cannot hear any differences. 
Is the Squeezebox Touch complicated?
The level of complication is a function to your computer skills so is a question for yourself. Personally I had a SB, Duet, Boom and Transporter and never had a problem. Basically a plug and play with some general settings. I'm using my iPhone to ... 
Lampizator DAC
Several months ago I compared a latest L4 with volume control and XLR outputs options against my MW Transporter for a week at home. I use my Transporter for a transport into the L4.1. L4 sounds very good direct to the amp but it's much much better... 
Best power cord?
For my MW Transporter, I finally settled with an Elrod Statement II PC (also use one on my preamp). Musical, 3D, coherant from top to bottom ... 
Looking for brighter tubes
I have read that the KT90's tend to have a more solid state sound and less of that tube warmth. I am sure someone will let me know if I am wrong.Yes, that's my experience with the EAR 890. 
Looking for brighter tubes
I 2nd Telefunken 12AX7. Smooth plates is warmer and I prefer the ribbed plates with a higher resolution and high-end extension. 
VAC Renaissance Pre-amp owners - Help
I meant to say it sounds like the phase is reversed. Sound is more open, lighter, image is bigger and further back in the soundstage ...