
Responses from knghifi

The Problem with Synergistic Research
If one feels the need to chase the latest and GREATEST(?), then a price has be paid. This is NOT limited to Audio.I wish Porsche has a upgrade program. Every year they manage to tweak out a few extra hp, lbs of torques and raise the top speed. I w... 
Comparisons -- low cost cable swing with big boys?
Only interconnect I own that beats it is my Audience Au24 (more resolving and faster). Just ordered 2 more in 1 meter and 1.2 meter. This Vintage US Wire rocks -- high resolution, big soundstage, one dollop of warmth/presence in the mids.Sooo why ... 
The Problem with Synergistic Research
I don't feel that way, it's how a commodity base business work in a free market and the market will take care of itself if government get out of the way.Companies have to release new products or updates to generate interest. If the market (consume... 
What makes music so congested?
River251, have you tried positioning your speakers farther apart or less toe in? Sometimess it helps.Like majority of audiophiles, I primary listen to well recorded recordings these days. But since I'm running a music server, occasionally I dial u... 
HiDiamond Digital IC
Sabai, there are infinite combinations so experiments are based on my experience and common sense. Yes I could and probably have missed out on many I dismissed that yield positive results but that's life ... can't win them all.Bottom line is one m... 
Bi-wire v's single with jumper leads.
With my current SC, I find running 2 single runs yield the best performance over bi-wiring or single + jumpers. Most notably less conjestion in complex passages and more open sounding.But with some of my previous SCs, it sounded best bi-wiring. Li... 
Fuses that matter.
Richie, I think the boys are saying your results are only relevant to you and your system. Everything is system dependent ... what works in yours will probably not in mine. 
HiDiamond Digital IC
Next you have to run them in series to find the proper tuning combination. LOL!!! 
Crisp sounding tubes for Modwright 5400ES
Dminches, You'll probably right. Dan is investigating installing Bybee rails and Audio Magic pulse gen zx in the Transporter so I will have him lower the voltgage when in the shop. Meanwhile I'll just use the JJ GZ34. After 24 hours of use, the on... 
Crisp sounding tubes for Modwright 5400ES
Dminches, Too much body, warmth ... I'm using BT CV181-Z and TS 5U4GB in my MW Transporter. There's no right or wrong but just my preference.2 TS already died so looking for alternatives. I still have 2 more and so far enjoying the JJ GZ34. 
Good cables for a Krell system?
I always prefer MIT with my Krells after trying many cables especially the bass. Transparent ICs are also a good match but the SCs are much darker than MITs.I too found Nordost Red Dawn to bright and lean. 
Crisp sounding tubes for Modwright 5400ES
I just rcvd a JJ GZ34/5u4gb and it's fabulous in my MW Transporter. It's only $14.99 plus it's new production so available. It's neutral, clarity, transparent, dynamic, high resolution ...I also find Mullard GZ34/GZ32 too sweet so been using NOS T... 
What amp to tame Eggleston Works Esotar Tweeters?
After I replaced the Mac pre cheapo stock Chinese tubes with Tele, it sounded very good.I'm not into HT so I would go for 2 high quality monos for the Andra IIs and a 3 or 5 channel amp for the other speakers. 
What amp to tame Eggleston Works Esotar Tweeters?
I'm not familiar with Lexicon components but suspect it's the POSSIBLE culprit. I've used many SS and tube amps / preamps with the Andra II and never experienced any brightness. Like you, I'm also very sensitive to any brightness. Also I'm using a... 
Pass Labs XP 30 VS Ayre KXR Pre
05-17-12: PeterayerHas anyone actually heard these two preamps in the same system and done a direct comparison. The first three responders sound so definitive. On what are their opinions based?Peterayer (System | Reviews | Threads | Answers | This...