
Responses from knghifi

Modwright sony xa5400 vs Modwright Oppo 95
Wig, I don't have a MW Sony but MW Transporter. Fuse is not easily accessible and forgot the direction. In my VAC Sig MKIIa preamp, facing the fuse holder, I prefer the right to left direction.The difference and improvements were so dramatic, I re... 
Modwright sony xa5400 vs Modwright Oppo 95
Wig, I also find your results exact opposite with the CV181.Compare to the Sophia, Sophia is harder, edgier in a negative way, less musical and airy. Imaging and soundstaging similar.As far as fuses, I'm using all HiFi Tuning. Keeping everything c... 
TRL Dude or Joule 150 MKII for Major Pre Upgrade
Paul answers his phone and will always get back right away and help. I must say this is not true of all small "one man" companies. I have still not heard back from Roger at Music Reference and I emailed/called to actually buy his amps - RM10.I dec... 
Modwright sony xa5400 vs Modwright Oppo 95
I have a MW Transporter and I think the analog section is probably very similar to the Oppo and Sony. I found Elrod Statement II the best PC on the Transporter ... also the Lamp. Improvements are NOT aubtle. 
Modwright sony xa5400 vs Modwright Oppo 95
Rfogel8, if you like the Tung-Sol RP, I think you will like the Black Treasure.In my next tube order, I'll try some of your suggestions. 
Bose 901 series VI & Yamaha A-S2000
Be careful purchasing very very old speakers. I sold my 901s, Hafler amp and pre to a non-audiophile friend ... practically gave it to him. He loves them and after a year or so, the drivers started to fall apart probably due to age. He contacted B... 
Modwright sony xa5400 vs Modwright Oppo 95
Wig, I tried Sylvania bad boys and it was too sweet for my taste. At the time I was using a Mullard GZ32 so probably too much of a good thing. I found the Transporter is also very sensitive to rectifier tube. It took a while and $$ to find the rig... 
Modwright sony xa5400 vs Modwright Oppo 95
Jwm, what tubes are you rolling in the MW Oppo and Sony?I'm rolling TS 5u4gb and BT CVBT-181s in my MW Transporter. I prefer the BT over the Sophia's ... BT is more musical and Sophia a little harder sounding.From my experience, with a little work... 
Bose 901 series VI & Yamaha A-S2000
Bose brings back fun memories many many moons ago. Had a pair of 901's driven with Hafler DH500 and DH110 at home. 201's or 301's (forgot) with a Marantz receiver for college. Loved the sound and thought they were great at the time. Moved on after... 
Bob Carver 180 Mono-blocks perform superbly
Thankful, for a point of reference, what tube amps have you own that you are comparing to Bob Carver 180? 
Used Magico V3 or Rockport Mira 2
Fiddler, the question is intent. Actually I don't waste people's time unless I'm serious in a purchase whether it's a car, shoes ... I respect their business and guess I'm in the minority. 
Used Magico V3 or Rockport Mira 2
01-04-12: SoixGoodwins does it right. If you're upfront with them that you probably will buy used or even not at all I wouldn't be surprised if they were happy to accomodate you as long as it's not during a particularly busy time. That way you get... 
Dual volume control - it should be standard
Yes Rrog & Charles1dad, it's unfortunate CC is out of business. Last week I had Radio Shack modded my 7.1 HT processor with 7 volume controls. So far all I can say is WOW!!! ... and not broken in yet. I was told it takes ~10000 hours for a tho... 
Classe move to China
China already has put new tariffs on ours. They believe in all of the trade money going to their pockets. [www.nytimes]There is a plus side. The gear might be resistant to radiation from the lead content.Hifihvn (Answers | This Thread) And who's f... 
Classe move to China
Timrhu, just because A company failed doesn't mean Classe will fail. Ultimately their customer will let them know one way or the other.