
Responses from knghifi

Fuses that matter.
Ccstevenson, I use both Nano Liquid and Hi-Fi Tuning Supreme fuses. I find the only difference between them is the Nano Liquid fuse adds a nice bloom to the sound that sometimes is desireable. 
HiDiamond Digital IC
Sabai, to celebrate my country's birthday, I wore my Nike shoelaces in a SERIES, 1 red, 1 white and 1 blue. I had to play around the different combinations of material in each one to dampen the shock on my joints ... solid core, twisted pair, cott... 
Anyone auditioned Pass Labs XP-30 preamp?
07-17-12: French_friesi can understand producing a new top-line preamp as a match for the newest amplifiers (cost no object). HOWEVER, i cannot understand with all the latest technological advances why you would need THREE boxes for TWO channels.t... 
My tube amp sounds darker now.
If your Siemen CCAs are dark, then they are PROBABLY FAKE!From my experience, they are the most open, dynamic ... compare to my stash of Amperex, Tele, Siemen ... 7308/6922/e88cc. 
5AR4/GZ34 Rectifier Tubes
I'm also rolling a JJ with all my expensive rectifier tubes in the closet. For $20 shipped, it's surprisely good. I'm going to try the Cryoset JJ next and see if any improvements with cryogenic. 
HiDiamond Power cords...
Sabai, have you tried the HiDiamond PCs with your amp or power conditioner ... high current components? 
Is no preamp the best preamp of all?
Ditto my experience with the Lightspeed Attenuator. My active is not 30x but at least 29.5x better. LOL!!!Yes well said, Mitch2. 
Wireless router "contamination" of sound?
I found my old cordless home phone systems (I think 900 mhz and 1.2Ghz) were interfering with my wireless router. Every time a phone is in used, wireless connection would drop. I bought a DECT 6.0 phone system and it resolved the problem. Last mon... 
Logitech Transporter + Berkeley Audio Alpha DAC 2
06-21-12: Yo2tupI didn't like the Transporter as a transport to another DAC. I tried a couple DAC's with it, and the Transporter made them all sound like the analog outs of the Transporter.Definitely not my experience with the MW Transporter. The ... 
The Problem with Synergistic Research
Sabai, You've gotta be kidding me. Nasaman buys a 6+ years old IC off Ebay with UNDOCUMENTED number of owners, history, traveled the world several times and probably the IC you used in a SERIES with your bungee cord and jump rope and you want it r... 
Logitech Transporter + Berkeley Audio Alpha DAC 2
Evilteddie, I've used my MW Transporter as a transport with several tube and SS DACs in the past and it works fine. In all situations, I prefer the AES/EBU over RCA or bnc connections. Good Luck! 
The Problem with Synergistic Research
06-19-12: Fplanner2010John - I totally see their point. Your comment: "This is a high-end business with cables that cost up to 10 of thousands, I thought they’d do more critical testing and verifying before shipping them out rather than just ohm o... 
The Problem with Synergistic Research
Ones that feel like Sabai just don't understand how Capitalism works and the challenges in operating a business that doesn't have a staff of lobbyists in DC.Sabai, what country do you live in? 
Soundstring GEN 2 speaker cable.Anyone using them?
I had a full loom of Soundstring Tricormaxial cables in my system years ago and it's a very good cable for the $$. Sound is on the warm side of neutral.I heard Gen II is more neutral and higher performance in all areas compare to Tricormaxial but ... 
The Problem with Synergistic Research
Porsche is just an example. It applies to boats, clothes, women ... Not all new are created equal. Some are just different and not better. Companies have to walk a fine line from alienating customers in releasing garbage just for the sake of reven...