
Responses from kennyc

Back to vinyl need phono stage help!
@jimfinn2112Seems like you should decide whether you want more tubes (warmth?) into you audio chain as you already have the tubed PrimaLuna.  If not, maybe go with a SS (solid state) phono stage.All of the suggested phono stages mentioned by membe... 
Innuos Zenith mk3 complete disappointment
@rushfan71Since people spend significant money for the Zenith for improved sonic benefit, comparisons should be made sonically. A simple A/B sonic comparison keeping all other things constant. Your claim of just matching parts without regard to ex... 
Can anybody be a speaker designer?
Is @kenjit for real?  While most here are teaching, learning, helping each other out, seems @kenjit is yanking our chains for his own amusement.  If a child craves attention he often acts up to get it - an immature trait in adults.  I often ponder... 
High Frequency Oscillation hurt resistors in Magico A5 crossovers
Magico is technologically driven so it’s likely that it’s not the speaker’s faulty design but rather the HFO caused by an external source - also likely caused by running the update while having the speakers engaged.Seems like the OP has the soluti... 
Any way to listen to wav or high bit files with anything approaching audiophile sound?
@soulgoober If you’re after "audiophile" sound, seems like the weakest link in your audio chain is the "Sony 595 multi-CD player". While Sony makes good/great sounding equipment in the consumer/mass market sector, they are not well known or spoken... 
Colapse to Hegel
“Consolidated” might have been clearer and more accurate description than “collapse”. Integrated amplifiers are simpler, generally less expensive, uses less often costly cabling, takes up less space than separates. I’m still trying to figure out h... 
Recommendation for new cables
Audio Bacon, who compares/reviews many audio cables, suggested using The Cable Company lending library to try out cables which is not the same as buy-try-return.  
Substantial Upgrade
@bruinuclafanSince you mentioned MoFi UltraPhono I’m assuming that you’re not against Mofi import duties/tariffs/tax.$2K Mofi Ultradeck - great reviews, newer design by established highly regarded manufacturers. I am building a high-end bucket-lis... 
Does Age Matter?
60yrs both but no clear cut preference yet.  Building my first bucket list audiophile analog + digital system so am accumulating components.  Preamp arrives tomorrow.  Just need cables and speakers to complete.  May use inexpensive speakers till g... 
Should I use Speaker Spike / Isolation Base or Something?
@ sangbro It would be helpful to know what your budget is for speaker feet. IsoAcoustic Gaia speaker feet has recently garnered many positive reviews, perhaps more than any other feet.   Although not inexpensive, it is my final choice to use on... 
Amp recommendations
@z32kerberBecause you stated "I’ve always loved the sound", the following list starts with the highest priority:1) Get your Cary Audio CAD 300B working again.  Finding a sound you love is the holy grail of audiophiles.  As amplifiers age, the soun... 
Mistakes I’ve made
+1 @kingsleuy+1 @middlemassStuff and money comes and goes, but what should be a higher priority is relationships.Generosity is a great virtue, but it must be tempered with wisdom.  For instance, if a guy keeps running out of money because he canno... 
Mistakes I’ve made
@zavato You seem like a generous caring person.  However, your lending practices seem unwise.  When you lend, relationships can easily suffer when you try to get your stuff back.  Those folks who abused/dumped your lent stuff may now have guilt in... 
FM Tuner for audiophiles-is it a bad idea today?
Thanks all, very informative. I haven’t researched yet, but there’s probably a good chance there are good FM stations where I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I like the idea of a DJ picking what he/she feels like rather than a pre made playlis... 
Why is there no love for Prima Luna?
I disagree that it’s US greed, rather, it’s the nature of living in a capitalist society in which businesses are encouraged to compete to drive down prices.  Generally speaking, businesses are driven to maximize revenue while minimizing costs.  La...