
Responses from kennyc

Looking for phono preamp suggestions
@newtoncr , both Boulder 1008/1108 vs Van den Hul the Grail SB seem to be excellent choices, but they're using different technologies.Generally speaking, in a cartridge the more coiled wire turnings, the greater both the voltage output and interna... 
The $20K Soulution Audio 330 Integrated Amp is a Bargain ?
@ highend666 Audio gear often has a "house sound" as the products are tested/voiced by the same individuals who design the product.  Some manufactures such as Magico start with price-no-object goals, then latter try to find ways to cut manufactu... 
The $20K Soulution Audio 330 Integrated Amp is a Bargain ?
+ @ speedbump6 "Bargain" is both subjective and relative.  Just because it's priced beyond one's means currently (money flows, times change, fortunes also) doesn't equate to being a non-bargain for all others.  For instance, while shopping for m... 
Tube versus SS
How much is lowering the noise floor worth? That’s a subjective question that only you can answer for yourself.I’m a big fan of “more info is better” aka “another data point” (echos of MikeL), so I suggest you can try a power conditioner for free ... 
Tube versus SS
@ orpheus10, I really glad that your enjoying your musical improvement from your NOS 6922 Telefunken tubes, audio enjoyment is what we’re all about. However, you seem to be drawing conclusions between apples and oranges.You are comparing 2 differe... 
What to buy?
Because of the high sensitivity of the Klipsch  Cornwalls ( 102dB @ 2.83V / 1m ) and Klipsch Forte III (99dB @ 2.83V / 1m), I usually associate them with lower power amplifiers primarily of the tube variety.  Since the OP  Emotiva XPR5 is 400w... 
What to buy?
I've listened and compared the KEF LS50 (which has numerous very  favorable reviews,,,and sales...) to the KEF R700 and to my untrained ears they sounded very similar with the exception of more bass for the R700.  I'm guessing the R500 is cut from... 
What to buy?
GoldenEar Triton Five or Triton Seven (Triton Three+ $2,750.00/pair). Good-great sound.  Favorable reviews.  Designed by seasoned Sandy Grossman (just retired recently).Tekton - an acquired look but the sound punches way above their priceAs previo... 
Hmmmm, just thinking.  While researching Etsuro Urushi cartridges, I learned that as China has excellent porcelain, Japan has excellent lacquer products.  Japanese lacquer was strong enough to be used in Japanese armor.  It's not hard to believe... 
Best DAC for around $2,500 or less
Another component purchasing strategy is to continue to buy used/try/sell until you find a DAC you like.  This will take time, effort, a little $ (shipping costs, tax..), but may lead you to audio nirvana.   
Best DAC for around $2,500 or less
These previously mention DACs have multiple favorable reviews:Mytek Brooklyn DACBenchmark DAC3Schiit YqqdrasilAlso good reviews:HoloAudio Spring DAV Level 3 "Kitsune Tuned Edition" ifi Audio Pro iDSD DAC If you can spend up ... 
I can prove your room is bad
@wsrrsw , perhaps Acoustic Art Panels may be spouse acceptable.  Just make sure it's art that you can live with - mother-in-law pics may drive you out of the room. 
Too good a post to waste
Making great audio cables is much more than wrangling up ready available wire, terminations, wrappings. Both the materials used AND wire weave geometry make huge differences.Understanding Audio Cables - construction, electrical properties, cost:Ga... 
CD Transports
List of transports:CD JVC XL-Z1050TN   $275   used   Top line player in 1990CD Emotiva CD-100   $299       CD Player so-so, as a transport great - Positive Feedback Julies 1st sytem, Don Lindich says great sound and as transportCD Pioneer D... 
Audioquest Firebird Zero
From what I've read so far, it seems the AudioQuest Zero speaker cables are at least very good alone, but "major" jump in performance when adding the matching BASS cable.  Some folks gripe that the  AudioQuest Zero speaker cables are a rip off be...