
Responses from keithr

What's a contender to an Audio Reference 5 SE?
So Bo, what tube gear does your "firm" recommend? 
Rowland's new integrated amp
38k for a digital amp? I'm not seeing the value. 
Is the Almarro 318B For Me?Any Others?
The Almarro 318B was quite a disappointing amp on my Zu loudspeakers. I didn't find the frequency extremes extended at all nor did the amp have much dynamic capability. I much preferred the Mastersound Due Venti at a similar price point. 
Pass labs xa30.8 vs Krell evo 402e
Dyn C1 requires more power. The X250.5 was an excellent match. 
The New Audio Research Reference 6
all aboard the ARC upgrade train... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Charles- from what I've heard, the Line Magnetics are a bit more old school/vintage sounding. Its really a preference thing at that point as both appear to be very well built.The AN line is really the gem in the Melody line. 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
What's up Zu guys?Just thought I'd sum up some thoughts on the excellent Melody AN845 amplifier I was able to demo for several weeks. Its not a soupy, syrupy type affair (such as Cary 805) that has dripping vocals. The Melody has a much more moder... 
Pass XA 200.5 versus X-600 for MBL 101D
I don't think the 200.5s will work at all.There is a reason MBL's own amps are Class A/B and extremely high power. 
Best Rock Album of 2015
Wolf Alice is solid! 
Best Rock Album of 2015
I also like the new Calexico album, although ironic they were interviewed in Stereophile as the recording is very sub-par compared with prior efforts. 
Best Rock Album of 2015
Really diggin' OutFit "Slowness" and the new My Morning Jacket 
High value, high efficiency speakers for SET amps
The question isnt how loud you can play, but at what distortion is at that volume level. Until i used a SS amp, this was tough to understand. 
High value, high efficiency speakers for SET amps
I'd be curious if the 8 watt SET folks on this thread have tried 845s to see if the sound was more effortless.I had a 10-watt, stereo First Watt SIT on my 100 db Zu Def IVs and it started breaking up in the mid-90s. The adjustable bias, monoblock ... 
Dynaudio Confidence C1
Pass X250.5 worked superb on mine 
Magico S1 - Dynamics and Amplifier Suggestions
you probably need to upgrade to larger Magicos. one review online even posts that the S1 must be down considerably in output at 32hz where they are rated. also, being sealed box going to take some getting used to vs your ported Revels.