
Responses from keithr

Spectral audio today
Spectral is a system approach which will always make it niche. Has always sounded dead to me, similar to Soulution, Boulder, and some others mentioned. Dartzeel is my personal high end favorite as it nails decay and flow but with an incredible nat... 
Cube Audio Nenuphar Single Driver Speaker (10 inch) TQWT Enclosure
I think the focus on DF is going overboard - circuit is more important. @213Cobra recently told me he believes the Ampzilla 2000, 2nd Edition is the best SS amp he’s heard on Zu Audio speakers which have similar driver characteristics to the Cubes... 
Audion U.K. Power Amps - feedback and experience with their amplifiers?
Reach out to @213cobra who has loads of experience with them and FRD speakers 
Cube Audio Nenuphar Single Driver Speaker (10 inch) TQWT Enclosure
are people ordering from the distributor with return policy. don’t see a SoCal dealer so figuring out how to hear a pair. 
Devore Fidelity Orangutan O/96
Harbeth always put me to sleep. To each their own.  
Devore Fidelity Orangutan O/96
Heard O96s sound spectacular on Moon electronics today  - better than LM Audio tubes in the same room. Was very surprised.  
Devore Fidelity Orangutan O/96
I'm a former Gibbon X owner, have heard the O96s several times. To me, all comes down to their bass characteristics - either you love it or don't. I personally wasn't enamored by the fleshy bass of the Os especially on electronica. Now, if jazz is... 
What's your favorite boutique speaker maker
Zu and Devore 
Devore Fidelity Orangutan O/96
any word if a Super O/96 is in the works? it was rumored after the O Reference release, but the pandemic may have delayed one indefinitely. 
Cube Audio Nenuphar Single Driver Speaker (10 inch) TQWT Enclosure
Charles, interesting indeed. That said, Srajan likes a music genre that really i'm not into (world acoustic) and his writing is often confusing. I will say I heard the Voxativ 9.87 in a dealer's home and wasn't impressed as his (and others) review... 
Cube Audio Nenuphar Single Driver Speaker (10 inch) TQWT Enclosure
Anyone compare the Cubes to Zu? Seems Druid VI. Nenuphar would be super interesting. 
So, what other amps sound like the First Watt SIT-3?
2 ideas: 47 Labs Gaincard, Lavardin 
Best tube preamplifier for under $15k
So I ended up with the MicroZOTL and am very pleased with this preamplifier. The 12at7s required changing out and after some rolling decided on some RTN east german tubes. The NOS 12SN7s are actually quite good. I don't find the preamp super warm ... 
What tube pre-amps pair well with Pass amps?
Nelson Pass doesn't design active preamps 
Wilson Alexia 2
I find Wilson w/ VTL to be very dull sound (I ask my dealer to use his Ayre amps instead). I do like ARC w/ Wilson though.For SS, I've owned Pass, Rowland, and Luxman recently on my YGs in comparison to my base Ampzillas - you can PM me for more i...