

Responses from kehut

Vandersteen's, optimum placement, room limitations
Very much agree with Sdcampbell's excellent advice in your situation. A good stand mounted front ported monitor is your best bet. Avoid a rear ported design with the distance limitations behind the speakers as that will not be enough space for the... 
How good are the B&W 801...Series 2 Speakers ????
Autospec-I have sent you a lenghty email off thread with some thoughts! Hope this helps. 
How good are the B&W 801...Series 2 Speakers ????
Hi AutospecLet me add a few words here and see if I can also be of help. My curent system is similar to yours.LS25,ARC PH3 SE, VPI Aries, Wadia/Electrocompaniet Dac. except I run a Plinius SA250/2. I have owned the 801 ser2 and now have the Ser.3(... 
Balanced circuits and break-in
The answer to both your questions is yes. But the majority of your breakin in is behind you. You'll probably find the sound opens up fairly quickly as your not waiting on all the circuts to settle, however, that said you will of course have to bre... 
VH Audio, Ridge St Audio or Audience Au24 XLRs?
Im in with Lak here...Ive demo'd and tried many cables and ultimately stopped the merry go round when I landed on the Ridge Streets. I honestly did not try the other cables mentioned, so I cant help in comparison, but can wholeheartedly and unequi... 
What does it sound like?
Most likely. Sometimes they surge bright red and then die. Some amps will shut down and blow a fuse when the tube goes. Most tubes give little warning of their time to go, unless they are very weak and then exhibit lower output volume in that chan... 
Power cords for Martin Logan speakers??
Since ML's draw very little current, typically 5-10 watts to power up the speakers...Its really a matter of using a well designed PC that rejects RF and is quiet rather than able to havdle hi current demand. I used Harmonic Technology's Pro-Ac10 w... 
ARC sp10 joy and concern...
Yes, It definately sounds like the laminations comprising the transformer which can be heard as an audible hum. Definately worth giving Leonard a call at ARC for his suggestions. The 10 is a very nice pre amp and although not as neutral as some of... 
help narrowing down my list of speakers, $2500
Add Usher Audio 6371's to your list.$about $2600 with some 15% off retail which is common. The 6381's are awesome, but may have too much bass for your room. See usheaudio.com for their lineup. (6 series.) 
ARC SP9 MK2 tubes
Eagleman-If you can get a pair of Tungsram 6922's (red print) give these a try. I found them to really open up my old SP-9MkII pre amp. I used EH 6922 and they were smoother than the stock Sovteks for sure. The Tungsrams are very transparent and h... 
best shippers?
Also highly recommend Bax Global. 
How much difference between balanced XLR and RCA
Ozfly pretty much has great advice. I have heard RCA's sound just as good as XLR in any given set up. One place I hear a nice improvement is in a longer run of cable from my pre amp to amp. I found balanced did 3 things better in my set up. It low... 
ARC LS25 vs. LS16 MKII
Similar, but not the same. The 25 has better regulation of the line voltage, is quieter, and offers seletable output gain. Its just more pre amp overall. 
Anyone used Plinius SA250 in monoblock mode?
I have never run my SA 250 bridged in mono,nor have I had the opportunity to hear them as such, so I can't be of much help. However, the second part of your question can best be answered by shooting an email over to Peter Thomson at Plinius NZ. I ... 
Von Schweikert VR2 vs Sonus Faber Grand Piano H
I am in agreement with Oz. They were too forwatd a speaker for my tastes and although the imaging and soundstageing was good..it was not exceptional or as good as VSA touted them to be. The rear tweeter was more of a nusense in the long run. I mig...