

Responses from kalali

Road trip to demo $10,000 speakers
+1 on L.I.A.R. Live music, especially with unamplified instruments, always sounds "live" no matter where you sit or stand. If a system can pull that off, then its the optimum match among the components and high quality package. That's my acid test... 
First Watt J2
Thanks for all the input. My current (integrated) amp for these speakers is a Sophia Electric Baby 10wpc push/pull version and they sound decent, especially vocals at lower volumes. Looking for something to upgrade and add more "body" in the mid/u... 
First Watt J2
Al, thanks for the input, as always. My remark regarding the J2 as being a current source amplifier was solely based on the power output specs of 25w@8 ohm and 13w@4ohm vs. the F2 specs of 5w@8ohms and 10w@4ohms which seemed to imply a voltage sou... 
Serious Passive Preamp question
+2 Atmasphere. My experience as well. 
How to make low end digital sound "not terrible" on higher end systems?
"streaming is always very-very lossy. simple red-book cd will easily blow away same tracks played with streamer no matter of streaming resolution quality."No my experience with streaming MQA sources from Tidal. Then again, it could all depend on t... 
Gaia do magic to my speaker
Explain the flooring under the speakers; suspending hardwood, carpet over wood, carpet over concrete, etc., etc. Without these details the discussion is pointless. 
Why so few speakers have their price listed online
"Klipsch and JBL do it because they crank out tons of mass market mid-fi mostly to people shopping Best Buy."Seriously? Didn't expect such an uneducated comment from someone who claims to be very educated. 
which is a better match for best results
+1 atmasphere. People usually listen to rock/pop at much louder volumes so a bright system becomes more obvious. Same system may "seem" to sound better with jazz at lower listening volumes but that's just a misconception and becomes clear as soon ... 
Road trip to demo $10,000 speakers
Regarding recording choices to audition, generally it would be good if you could listen to recordings that you are familiar with but that aside, I find early Steely Dan recordings very dynamic and quite well done. "Speed of Jack" track in particul... 
Advice and help understanding, choosing a Widebander / Single Full Range Driver speaker?
Take your friend's advice - widebanders/single driver FR all sound different depending on how the drivers are implemented, e.g., open baffle, horn-loaded, etc., etc., and more importantly depending on the partnering gear. You'll need to audition t... 
Siegfried Linkwitz Passes
Big loss to the speaker design community. Fremer's interview at his bedside back in July seemed to indicate his fragile condition. RIP. 
Autoformer vs Speaker impedance Curve
Trust your ears....there are too many variables and competing criteria in the design to try to follow. Also, recommendations from someone who designs and builds amplifiers for a living (Atmasphere) is much more credible than someone who reads spec... 
narrow and wide baffles and imaging
"No matter how you cut the cake, big baffles aren't good if they're anything resembling flat with corners. "That's not necessarily true. The size of the driver and the frequency range from the driver is more important since that determines the wav... 
Is there actually a difference?
Those who can't tell the audible differences among amplifers are lucky and with more money in their pockets but should get their ears checked. 
Listening Height Adjustment -- Is This Why Two People Don't Hear the Same?
"Well this is why where practicable the best method, technique and protocol for evaluating components in a Music Reproduction System is to rely on headphones."Well, its a bit difficult to evaluate/compare speakers using a headphone.