

Responses from kalali

How does length affect power cable sound quality?
Yup, as expected, another completely pointless comment from geoffkitten. You win for being a consistently useless poster here...Kudos. 
Thinking about a new, lower end CD Player
"And another thread takes a dive into the sewer!Great job guys!"Thanks to the troll-in-charge geoffkitten to pull this off and trashing yet another thread... 
Whats the FATTEST sounding Tube amp to warm up Lean speakers?
OP, you didn't mention what preamp/amp you currently have in your system but if the equalizer did not solve your issue, a tube preamp can also add lots of "syrup" to the mix, sometimes even more than a tube amp. 
99$ Digital cable is damn good
"@kalali may need a Midol!"Actually I don't. It does not help with a low tolerance for BS artists.  
Why does my DAC sound so much better after upgrading digital SPDIF cable?
mzkmxcw, it sounds like you're a genuine skeptic so why don't you just admit YOU don't hear a difference instead of discarding other people's opinions. There are a couple of other threads in progress right now debating similar arguments and there ... 
Why are my SF Venere S Speakers not sounding as warm?
"What do you all think of the pre amps coming fromhttp://www.tubes4hifi.com/custom.htmand or Don Sachs?"Don Sachs makes an excellent preamp but you may need to wait since there's usually a wait list. You'll not be disappointed. 
Whats the FATTEST sounding Tube amp to warm up Lean speakers?
Any older Conrad Johnson tube amplifier within your budget will give you what you're looking for. Expect syruppy mids but less crisp highs and slightly bloated lower bass - depending on the matching with your speakers, if you're willing for the tr... 
How does length affect power cable sound quality?
Wow, discussions here can get nasty in a hurry...Roger, I must say you asked for it... 
99$ Digital cable is damn good
geoff, stop the trolling...You no longer have any credibility on this site.  
One speaker observation from the New York Hifi show.
"I have electrostatic highbred speakers (Martin-Logan Summitt X) - any thoughts on distance from The wall behind the speakers or the side walls?"Put them as far as esthetically possible from the wall behind them. You’ll get a much deeper soundstag... 
Is anyone doing this with a Bluesound Node 2 or other streaming component?
Depending on the rest of the system, you’ll need to try a fairly high end external DAC to hear a jump in SQ. I borrowed a friend’s Mytek Manhattan over a weekend and the improvement was significant. I also tried Border Patrol SE DAC and Ayre Codex... 
How are you hearing no difference?
I think this discussion is purely academic. By far, majority of people can tell the difference between a good sounding system and a great sounding one. It’s the so-called audiophiles that look for small incremental improvements which may or may no... 
Reel to reel deck directly to power amp ?
ct0517, if I get the math right, using a 10.5’ reel @ 2500’ per reel at 15ips, you can record ~33 minutes of content on each side. Of course twice as much using a more typical 7.5ips machines like the one I have. I don’t think economy is a major d... 
Reel to reel deck directly to power amp ?
teo_audio, my simple solution is to turn on the R2R player first. Makes sense?Its always a good practice to power up the sources first, regardless of digital or analog. 
Dynaudio C20 vs other monitors in the 4-7k range
“Too often we evaluate cars like we are going to race them, when the reality is we're going to be stuck in traffic most of the time. :)”Great analogy. This became very apparent to me during my last visit to an audio show. Many high end speakers so...