
Responses from jvogt

several routes to take to digital heaven?
I can't speak to the modifications your referring to,but my own admittedly biased opinion is that you'llbe unlikely to recoup the investment you make in anexpensive modification. Whenever I purchase high-endequipment, I always look at the resaleab... 
Argent Room Lenses?
I went to Home Depot, bought some 2 1/2" (or thereabouts)PVC piping, pine boards and some fiberglass insulation(for stuffing the tubes at specific intervals). I builta set of three Room Lens-clones for about $60, and spraypainted them black. They'... 
Alpha-Core Goertz IC's
The Sapphires cables are flat. 
Any phono sections with adjustments on fly/front?
The ARC SP-14 has limited phono adjustments on thefront panel. It has an excellent phono stage, andmay be worth the $900-1100 it commands in the usedmarket just for the phono stage alone. 
Alpha-Core Goertz IC's
I've got Goertz Silver Sapphire IC's and they are excellent. I've not tried the MicroPurl, but giventhe mediocre personal reviews I've seen on the 'Net,I'd spend the extra greenbacks for the Sapphires. 
Cars. What does the typical audiophile drive?
1. 1998 SL500 2. Same 3. Ferrari 360 Modena 
Audio Research SP-9 Mk-III vs Audio Research SP-11
A friend has owned MANY preamps including a large numberof the ARC preamps, SP-9 among them. He has had theSP-11 MK II for several years, and considers it the bestARC preamp ever made and one of the best preamps ofall time. 
What are the best sounding classical CDs
The JVC XRCD series has a number of the RCA LivingStereo classical reissues. They are legendary performances, known for their outstanding soundquality. Their only disadvantage is price ($25+ each).I've got the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto performed... 
Good phono amp, low noise, not too expencive?
An excellent unit with low noise, good dynamics,and very versatile. 
Best USED Transport for under 2,000
I bought my Mark Levinson #37 about 2 years ago for$1800 used. However, that's the cheapest I've everseen it advertised. When available, they typicallygo for $2000-2400. It is an outstanding transport, well made and very elegant looking. 
Audio Research pro's-what pre-amp to choose?
I've owned the SP-6B and the SP-14. The 14 is anoutstanding preamp with a particularly deliciousphono section. It is also very versatile with amyriad of switching options. It can be had for$900-1200 in excellent condition.A friend owns an SP-11 MK... 
Infinity Epsilon/ Beta speakers-- Classsics???
I owned a pair of Infinity RS-1b, the predecessor to theInfinity Beta, and a friend owned a pair of Betas. Yes, they are both classics. Each system has it's strengthsand weaknesses but on balance they are among the finestof speakers EVER made. I s... 
TACT digital corrections preamps?
I've been using an RCS 2.0 for over a year, and it hasmade the greatest improvement in the sound of my systemof any component. I'm using mostly Mark Levinson equipmentand Magnepan 1.6QR speakers. The TacT provides betterimaging and soundstaging, g... 
Pass Labs or Audio Research Solid State Amplifiers
Audio Research is reknowned for their tube amps (I owneda D-125 which was excellent), but their solid state ampshave never impressed the masses as much as their tubeofferings. I also owned a Pass Aleph 5 which was anexcellent Class A solid state a... 
Why is my Audio Research SP6-b noisy?
The previous posts are correct...it likely needs new tubes.That being said, I will also say that I owned an SP-6Ba number of years ago, and despite it's exalted reputation,I found it lacking, especially in the relatively highnoise floor. I later o...