
Responses from jvogt

Buying from other countries?
I've sold equipment several times to overseas buyers.I've either had a wire transfer to my account, oran international money order up front. So far(...knocking on wood sound....) it's all worked fine. 
Help. Dead Levinson 23.5
I have a (mostly) Madrigal system. Last year my#37 transport jammed, and I couldn't get thedrawer open. This is a known problem with this model. I returned it to Madrigal, and they replacedthe whole transport assembly for free (the unitwas still u... 
Non fatigueing speaker under 1500
I'm a fan of the Magnepan 1.6QR: very seamless and coherent, spacious, clean high frequencies withoutsounding harsh or brittle. It retails for slightlymore than your specified $1500, but is occasionallyavailable for $1100-1200 on the used market. 
Review: Denon DL-160 Cartridge
I too am a Denon lover...the DL-103D, my second in 20 years. This cartridge may not reproduce the ultimatehigh-frequency extension (though it's pretty decent) northe thundering lows of the bottom octave (how much of thatwill you find on vinyl?), b... 
Small monitors for a dear aunt
The LS 3/5 is a classic, but I might also suggest theSoliloquy 5.0 It is modest in dimension, but capableof true high-end sound, obviously restricted in lowfrequency capability because of size. It is very musical,easy to drive, and can later be au... 
Would a Pass Aleph 5 be able to drive Thiel 3.5 ?
Not adequately. I've owned both, though admittedly atdifferent times. The Aleph 5 is very musical, butcurrent capability is not its strong suit. The Thiel3.5 needs lots of power. I'd recommend something likea Levinson 23.5, or a Bryston 4BST which... 
Why upgrade transport???
I owned a Denon 1620 which I used for years as a transport,then upgraded to an EAD T-1000. The latter was an improvement. About two years ago I sold my EAD and gota Mark Levinson #37. This was an even bigger improvementover the EAD. The jitter con... 
UPS ??? Do they ever pay a claim???
Several years ago I purchased a used pair of Thiel 3.5speakers from a dealer out of state. UPS delivered themwith one of the speaker grills broken. I filed a claim,and got the typical runaround for several weeks, finallyan inspector came to the ho... 
Review: Audio Research SP-6b Tube preamp
The SP-6B in its day was an excellent preamp, howeverit has been eclipsed by more recent designs. The noisefloor is excessive, and frequency extremes are attenuated.The midrange is smooth, airy and typical of the bettertube units. More recent ARC ... 
Is there a preamp w/ a built in 24/192 upsampling?
The new TacT RCS 2.2x has builtin 24/192 upsampling.The RCS 2.0 has 24/96 but there is reported to bean upgrade coming soon which will bring it to24/192. 
Harmonic Technology vs Acoustic Zen Recomendations
Can't comment about Acoustic Zen, however this past weekI bought balanced HT Pro-Silway II interconnects for mysolid-state system:Levinson #37/360/26/27.5TacT RCS 2.0Magnepan 1.6QRRel Strata IIIThe Pro-Silway II expanded the soundstage, offered a ... 
I'm using Harmonic Technology Pro-Silway II's withmy predominantly Mark Levinson system and MagnepanMG1.6 speakers. My speaker cables are Alpha-CoreGoertz MI-2. I've been satisfied with both. 
Better magazine, Stereophile or Absolute Sound
I've subscribed to TAS for over 25 years, and thought theyhad more editorial independence from the advertisers thanmost other magazines. Now I'm not so sure.....A recent post on Audio Asylum noted the following:____________________________________... 
Great service from Mark Levinson and Madrigal
Superb service, outstanding build quality, a class act.I've owned many brands of highend equipment over thelast 30+ years, and I've settled almost exclusively onLevinson equipment (with the exception of my TacT RCS 2.0).Resale value on the used ma... 
Speaker cable recommendation please
I too recommend Alpha-core Goertz MI-2. An excellentcable and highly cost effective.