
Responses from jtimothya

What knot for string to drive platter?
Bloodknot Tim 
Loricraft Record Cleaning
The Ultra-Pure Water rinse is essential (whether you use AI or Prelude) and well worth the time and money. It makes a major difference.Agree with Cello 100% - whatever cleaning regimen one adopts, complete it with one, and even better, two ultra p... 
Loricraft Record Cleaning
thread fouling, which can happen if you twist the spool while the nozzle is down on the LP or the machine top plateWithout O-rings on the spindle, the spool does turn freely and its easy for the thread to ravel off it or loop under the spool or ot... 
Loricraft Record Cleaning
I didn't think the Monks advances the thread while traversing the record, just for the start of a cycle. A slight manual turn of the spool to advance the thread is not a big deal - simplicity is your friend. I do recommend O-rings on the spool spi... 
Tube Rolling In Audio Research Phono Preamp
The Amperex white label PQs should be a great way to learn what is possible beyond the stock tubes. I've run a variety of Amperex, Telefunkens, Siemens 6DJ8s and 7308s in the ARC PH7 with results easily better than stock. The trick will to use tub... 
Optimal loading for the Orpheus
Hickory - the Tantalums I'm using are AudioNote, definitely not bright. I've heard folks speak well of the Shinkoh Tantalums but I haven't heard those or the Kiwame. I concur with your comment on the Caddock if you're referring to a MK132 or TF020... 
Optimal loading for the Orpheus
Congrats on your O - its a lovely cartridge.On different phono stages, I've tried values ranging from 80 Ohms to 250 Ohms using resistors from different manufacturers. I think the optimal value is a personal preference and can depend on how 'live'... 
Unstable Imaging - Causes?
As suggested by Newbee, swap the tonearm cables into your preamp and see if the imaging imbalance shifts to the other channel. If it does shift, that could suggest its a hardware problem or a speaker alignment issue. If it does shift, fiddle with ... 
Thinking of selling my Teres
That you're even asking the question tells me the answer - for crying out loud, keep it. You put a lot of work into that table - its part of you and it will hold continuity to that effort, which was a good thing and is still a good thing. With the... 
DRT XV1s Vs Orpheus Vs Shelter Harmony Vs 47 Labs
Piedpiper - thanks! Douglas - no hidden meanings or agendas or point scorings or spoofings or feather rufflings or tweakings or critiquing fun at anyones expense were meant by my comments. Top-notch amps, and preamps, and other gears are often dis... 
DRT XV1s Vs Orpheus Vs Shelter Harmony Vs 47 Labs
No_regrets - yes, three reviews are on-line. The ZYX Artisan is currently in-house for review and I won't comment in detail until publication, which could late May or June. Suffice it to say it lives up to the ZYX name. Pardon my shamelessness, li... 
DRT XV1s Vs Orpheus Vs Shelter Harmony Vs 47 Labs
Piedpiper - thanks for the follow-up. Bill - I think the number given for a manufacturer's output measurement is likely based on the choice of test equipment they have on hand. For an 'apples to apples' comparison I use the 0.68mV output figure be... 
DRT XV1s Vs Orpheus Vs Shelter Harmony Vs 47 Labs
If timbral accuracy and dynamic facility are your goals, the Transfiguration Orpheus (0.68mV) will meet and possibly exceed them. I've used it in reviewing four phono stages (ARC PH-7, Artemis PH-1, Atma-Sphere MP1, ZYX Artisan) and across them al... 
Any new up & coming high end speaker lines?
Gundam91 - re your Verity speakers, would you say a bit more about your home built room lens (what exactly?) and its placement. Thanks in advance.Tim 
Helix or Alpha
If you have a chance to try both, it may be worth the time to do a comparison. I'm not sure there is a pat answer and suggest it depends on what works best with your CD player. From both a Hydra 8 and a Hydra V-Ray, I tried the Python Helix Alpha ...