
Responses from jtimothya

SOTA cosmos turntables
 Spiral Groove is Alan Perkins' company and yes he worked for SOTA and designed the Cosmos - circa 1990 or thereabouts. Smoffatt - v. nice setup!  
12AT7 tube
 Siemens & Halske 3-MICA E81CC Sylvania Gold Brand 6201Mullard CV4024  Try tubemonger.com (Siemens), Jim McShane (Mullard), or UpScale Audio (Sylvania, Mullard). Tim 
Your vote: Most Useless Audio Adjective
Which renders the entire thread useless, IMO.So in a backwards kind of way the most useless word in this thread is indeed useless.I suppose we're now asymptotically approaching the tautological, which may be as close to consensus as we'll get.Tim  
Walker prelude vs. Audio Intelligent
If you have LLoyd's ear Jtimothya, I'd love to hear the theory as to why the final rinse is something other than pure filtered de-ionized H2O. What's the upside and downside (if any) to additional ingredients? The final step of the Prelude system ... 
Walker prelude vs. Audio Intelligent
... but AI seems to present less of a problem in terms of what is left on the vinyl at the end of the process than step4 of Prelude (although there appears to be a method to Lloyds madness). Any chemists have an idea as to whether a small amount o... 
Walker prelude vs. Audio Intelligent
 To quote myself from an earlier thread:I spoke with Lloyd today about the Step 4 final rinse and was told it is composed of ultra-pure water, a teeny bit of alcohol, and 1% of a secret ingredient. It replaces the second pure water rinse in the Pr... 
artemis lab, phono preamp?
 You mention the Audio Research PH7 - if you can spring for that phono stage I don't think you'll second guess your choice. It is one of the best, and quietest tube phonos available today. Closer to the cost of the Artemis Labs, consider the ZYX A... 
Great sounding new vinyl
 "Stravinsky Ballets box set, Dorati, Speakers Corner Mercury reissues", as Rushton mentioned. Its a good thing Speakers Corner picked up the licenses for these. Petrouchka and the Rite of Spring are sonically very good, and Firebird is one of tho... 
Best preamp for atma sphere m60 under $3000 used?
 I like to make lasting purchases ... Or should I wait and save up for the mp1 ... I say save up for the MP-1 and keep an eye out for a used one.  
Comparing Ultraverve to CJ 16 or Supratek preamps
In general, the CJ pres are warm and lush sounding.The ART and Premier 16LS broke that mold. In its day, the 16LS was considered a radical departure from the CJ house sound. While the last of the century tier 1 Premier models - and today's equival... 
do some cartridges have lower noise floor?
Assuming the cartridge is aligned properly and the record is cleaned, does the choice of cartridge make a difference for noise floor.I'll suggest 'lower noise floor' means: a) reduced distortion in replication of the original waveform as represent... 
Magico Mini 2 vs Kharma Midi Exquisit vs MBL 101s
 I'm curious where Verity - say the Sarastro - fit in this pantheon of transducers.  
Most transparent amp you've heard?
Most transparent amp you've heard?That's easy. The most transparent amps I've heard are from Atma-Sphere, whether the M-60, MA-1 or MA-2. What does 'transparent' mean - or what do I mean when I use that term? In a somewhat serious way, I mean the ... 
Which Record Cleaning Machine?
The Loricraft PRC-3 will clean a record as well as the PRC-4, imo. $2570. The dollar/euro difference has really hurt the cost of British goods in the US and the prices of the Loricraft machines have skyrocketed in the last few years. It will be in... 
Question concerning the Mint Tractor
I don't understand how changing VTA would alter/affect the Best Tractor's alignment.Tvad, kindly bear with my somewhat leaden prose as I try to walk through it.As an example, imagine changing SRA/VTA by moving the post of the tonearm up or down. I...