
Responses from jtimothya

Brand preference and opinions
My experience found Conrad Johnson makes reliable gear that works well with a wide range of speakers and holds its value well. Having owned many CJ products in the past, their amps and preamps always worked well together. Several of these are 'cla... 
Lack of Identification on FMS cables
The FMS Zeroes are marked with an arrow on shrinkwrap(?) at the termination. I think I saw another thread here recently related to identifying FMS grey cables - it had a response from someone whom I took to be Alex Gibson (FMS owner/designer) or, ... 
Revel Salon 2 versus WP 8
I listen primarily to classical and am seeking detail,nuance,microdynamics,soundstage and imaging for a 'being there' sensation as I find any decent speaker is dynamic enough for me.I too am looking at speakers, share your criteria and suggest rea... 
High vs. Low Efficiency Speakers
To quote Ralph Karsten of Atma-Sphere: "...if you want a tube amp, even if you don't want an OTL, you should avoid four ohm speakers. " cf. "Debunking Common Power Amplifier Myths" 
Lack of Identification on FMS cables
My FMS Zeroes have a small wrapper around the cable with the name 'FMS' and a serial number. 
Has anyone compared Ayre K-1xe to ARC Ref 3 or VTL
My experience with the C-5xe found it exhibited less smearing and improved mid bass when run with balanced cables into a true balanced line stage. Overall, an improvement in clarity. I experimented with identical RCA and XLR ICs and the difference... 
ARC PH5-Tube info. and suggestions
I'm pretty vague on the PH5 topology, but am pretty sure there are 2 tubes per channel - either the manual or ARC can tell you which in the layout go to which channel. Matching would happen between each pair, not necessarily across all four. If yo... 
ARC PH5-Tube info. and suggestions
I have used a PH7 in my system and done a bit tube rolling with it. The stock Sovteks tend to be quiet but they can sound a bit mechanical vs NOS. The whole 6DJ8/6922/7308 family is open to you and what to use comes down to personal preference. A ... 
6SN7 Tung Sol Reissue Mullard 12AX7 any comments?
Honest1 - thanks for experimenting and giving us your report. I also have MA-1s and use mostly VT-231 Ken-Rads and RCAs - which are not getting any cheaper. The TS may be worth a try. Where'd you get 'em? 
Low price, quality cables for avalon ,CAT, shindo
Samuel33, I think Jafox and Jmcgrogan2 are giving you excellent advice - but you don't have to spend all your dough immediately to start learning about your system and enjoying music. Two comments on an interesting thread...- An alternative is to ... 
Aesthetix Io Sig vs Manley Steelhead-opinions pls
Not all trailing-edge transiency is equal. Listen for a component's ability to reproduce human intervention on decay. Perhaps most audibly evident from percussionists dampening their instrument (timps, bass drums, cymbals, bells,) with their hands... 
Analog Help Please
... watching the needle through a mag glass and seeing it mistrack with certian responses with the speaker. ... When I lowered the volume some, did the same process, no mistracking. ... my speakers, for the time being are maybe 5 inches feom my t... 
Analog Help Please
Systems can be finicky in proportion to their refinement. Here are a few thoughts out loud....I don't know anything about the Atmos, but if the cartridge is that new, I'd get it past at least 60 hours before worrying too much. Cartridges can act i... 
cat jl3 signatures vs. atmashere ma2III's
Yes follow up is appreciated - I'd very much like to learn your impressions of the CAT amp. 
Tube hiss - any idea what's causing it?
I agree with Newbee's response - tubes can turn microphonic after they get some time on them - its not unusual for microphony to show up after a few weeks of initial use. Might be worthwhile to have a few extras on hand anyway, so getting some rep...