
Responses from jtimothya

CJ MV60SE versus ARC VT100 series ii or iii
Classic CJ vs ARC battle for your audiophile soul - yang or yin, silver or gold, ginger or maryanne. The ARC gets a better grip on woofers and renders transients more incisively. The CJ has better harmonic nuance and texture in the mids and highs.... 
Verity Audio midrange drivers?
If you'd like to compromise further, this is coming: Amadis ... sorry for the tease.Luxman makes nice amps. The Lamm M1.2 is another one. 
DaVinci tonearm and azymuth
Dear Jtimothya, to determine the correct output for each channel you do not use a test record.Maybe. The goal is merely to compensate for channel output differences prior to taking readings for the purpose of setting a decent azimuth. Whether you ... 
DaVinci tonearm and azymuth
 You're no less an audiophile if uncertain about your ability to detect single digit decibels of difference from vertical perfection. To confirm a setting or what you hear azimuth-wise, you can measure the differences in channel output with a volt... 
Tonearm cabling for Graham Phantom
Relative to its cost I find the Silver Audio Silver Breeze an excellent performer. 
Ribbon tweeters...out of favor these days?
Top speakers from Verity, the Lohengrin II and Sarastro II, each have aluminum foil ribbon tweeters. 
Classic Audio T1 and T3 field coil loudspeakers
Thank you Ralph - very helpful info! 
Classic Audio T1 and T3 field coil loudspeakers
Thanks, David, for the interesting comments. Can anyone suggest T3 room size guidelines, and how much do the T3 go for ? 
Phono stages belong to which tier?
I think there is more of a continuum than strict tiers - imo and in no particular order...upper: ARC PH7, ARC Reference Phono 2, Atma-Sphere MP-1, Lamm LP2, Aesthetix IO Sig middler: ARC PH5, Artemis Labs PH-1, Pass Labs XONO, ZYX Artisan, Aesthet... 
Audio physic virgo history
I'm not dead certain on the accuracy of this, but its a starting point... others please correct:- Joachim Gerhard introduces the Virgo circa 1989.- Virgo II - shown at CES January '95 - imported by Alan Perkins' Immedia - reviewed later that year ... 
Magico Mini II vs. Magico V2 comparison
"anything" by Ravel,Debussy.....preferrably conducted by Andre Cluytens,on a nice early pressing EMI LP......ah, Cluytens! Love his Pastoral on EMI - one of the few to rival Boehm. What tube amps besides VAC Phi 300.1 and ARC Ref 210 will drive we... 
Are 6as7g tubes becomming harder to find?
Try conusaudio.com; Russian 6H13C @ $15 
Atma-sphere tube?
Low noise is the first priority, section balance is also impt. I found real sonic improvements with NOS versions of all the preamp tubes, though certain of the 6SN7s impact that more than others. Tube dampers also work well in this application - I... 
re-tubing CJ LP70s
"...3D, liquid, sweet mids..." - not the 6550's strong suit; EL34, yes.After the NOS GE6550A - CJ ran out of 'em during the middle of Premier 12 production - I'm with Bbro and SED Winged C 6550C. Regarding the 6DJ8/6922/7308 driver - here's a good... 
Match amps to speakers
Well, this obviously fell flat. Heh. There is no correct answer, so hearing people's thoughts on the choices was kinda the point of the exercise...Based on wattage I'd probably go:A. Magico V3 w/ the Lamm M2.2B. Parsifals w/ the ARC Ref 220C. Sash...