
Responses from jtimothya

Lamm LL2 tweaks?
I had the LL2.1 Deluxe in-house for a few months and rolled through several different NOS 6DJ8 family members. I concluded from the impressive results of doing so that, were I to be an LL2 owner, such a swap out would be mandatory. I had no 12AU7s... 
Is Hi-fi getting more expensive?
I agree with John, particularly concerning new entertainment options supplanting high end audio. 20 or 30 year olds sitting passively in front of a two channel (or multi channel) music-only system versus gaming or actively doing something at a com... 
Wilson Sophia 3
Sophia III Benefits from Trickle-Downcoming in June 
Silver vs cryogenic treated copper
Pani, can you please say the wires you evaluated before and after their cryogenic processing? TIA 
Shuguang Treasure tubes....
Thank you for the follow-up! 
Atma Sphere deserves praise
One concern I have with such a hands-on owner is the succession plan. What does the future hold when, or if, the company ceases to exist, or the owner retires, etc.True, and sometimes unfortunate, yet our hobby is better for the likes of Mike Sand... 
Atma Sphere deserves praise
Do you think other manufacturers that release "new" product updates every 12-18 months, or worse new products because there is no upgrade path are simply offering design breakthroughs? Or is this just running a successful business? There is someth... 
Atma-Sphere MA2 Mk2.3 / Krell KSA 250 / Passlabs?
I did the Mogami Neglex w/ Neutriks experiment too, using a 20ft run between my MP-1 and MA-1s. The Mogami yielded better than expected results though it wasn't long before a 5m pair of Shunyata Antares went back in place. The Mogami's bass was po... 
Shuguang Treasure tubes....
The Shuguang Treasure CV181Z is relatively new on the market and while the literature and reports say the quality is there, they are rather pricey. Newer Russian and Chinese 6SN7s can have a shorter lifespan than tubes from the 50's and 60's. Does... 
ARC Ref phono 2 vs ASR Basis Excl 2010
Scouse - how did the RP2 sound before the mods and what did they change? TIA! 
My findings on Magico V2.....what now?
Ricred1 - at risk of taking this thread beyond its bounds, can you offer brief comment on how you find Sophia II in relation to your prior AP speakers? TIA! 
Sophia 2/Magico V2 versus Sasha/Magico V3
Excellent comments, Hce4! 
Azimuth observations and importance
I have Fremer's tt set-up DVD but it's useless in this regard. It would be greatly appreciated.I have not seen MF's video but I believe it comes with a .pdf file that describes the same technique you can read here. Recommended reading it is. At th... 
Azimuth observations and importance
If one had a voltmeter sensitive enough to measure voltage directly off the cartridge pins or tonearm wires then there would be no need to equalize voltage output across channels prior to measuring crosstalk.I thought the reason for achieving (rou... 
Tubes for Conrad Johnson Premier 11a ????
The Premier 11s and 12s are wonderful CJ classics - both were designed and originally voiced for the GE6550A. Those have become a bit scarce lately, but if you run across a quad, they're well worth paying a bit more. The SED (nee Svetlana) 6550C i...