
Responses from jtimothya

How many Lp do U have more than 5 of the Same
I may have five copies of Gerald Finzi's "Intimations of Immortality" on Lyrita. 
High End Audio and Your hearing as you get older
I came across another graph showing that hand claps, footsteps, keys jingling, cymbals, piccolos, clarinets, bass tubas and female voices all knocking on the 15Khz door.Not quite sure if this says those sources generate frequencies close to 15kHz... 
High End Audio and Your hearing as you get older
 On-line hearing frequency test from 8kHz to 22kHz in increments: But can you hear THIS?  
Pass Labs Xono vs. Aesthetix Rhea
I owned an Xono for several years and compared it with the Audio Research PH7, a hybrid JFET+tube phono stage that is a bit more expensive. My take on the Pass unit is similar to Barrysandy.As others note, the Xono is solidly constructed and very ... 
Herbie's vs. Hal-O's, Tube Dampers whats good?
What I hear from the use of tube dampers is a slight reduction in high-frequency microphonic noise (vibration) from the tubes themselves. Sonically this comes across as a lessening of harmonics that might be perceived as 'air', 'tizz' or venue atm... 
best powercord for atma-sphere amps MA 1
Atma-Sphere amps reproduce low end strings as whole and correct as I've heard. Power cords make a nice difference with Atma gear, but not as much difference as I've heard them make on other amps. I use Shunyata Anaconda CX cords on my MA-1 monoblo... 
ARC Reference Anniversary preamp in 2011
Not a full review, here's a few Casual Revelations. 
Wilson audio Maxx best amp match???
Atma-Sphere MA2ARC Ref 210Berning Quadrature Z 
How's the Audio Research Ref Phono 2 Working Out?
Ref Phono 2 review 
Has anyone tried the Shunyata Diamondback PC?
My experience matches Vhiner and I agree with his comments.I found it useful to understand the Shunyata system by subtraction. Even if you cannot afford them all at once, ask your dealer to let you borrow enough power cables to cover all the major... 
When does analog compete with digital?
The simple answer is: every day!Every link in the analog chain keeps getting better.With a good analog rig, you just want to keep playing music.    
Wilson Sophia 3
I believe that is called 'hearsay'. It is unclear what value comes from folks who simply repeat what others write on Internet forums without the ability to offer direct evidence of their own. 
goertz cables
Silver TQ2s - I heard microdynamic detail and quickness with a nice sense of flow. Open soundstage in all dimensions. Not quite as rich in timbre with more emphasis on the fundamental and initial attack than mid-tone harmonic development, but not ... 
Best Phono Cable for SME Series V
I have used the SilverBreeze on my SME V across several different phono stages & preamps and am quite satisfied with it. 
Conrad Johnson 17LS Power Cord Recommendations
Nice linestage! I thought the 17LS put you in a seat a little further back in the hall. The music is all there, it just seems farther away than, say, through a 16LS. I found Shunyata opened up the presentation.