
Responses from jsd52756

How am I frying all my amps? Oscillating? Help
In regards to the power; A loose wire connection, wire nut or frayed wires could enable the power meter to still read 123.0 volts BUT not allow enough emperage through. Your meter only needs a fraction of an amp to read. You amps could pull a lot ... 
question about the "analog sound"
I had the same "bland" issue with the Grado Platinum. Changed the cartridge to a Shelter 501, ba-da-bing, problem solved. Non of my equipment is the same as yours though, except for the (old) cartridge. Good luck, John 
what concerts do you wish you attended?
California Jam 1974. Year I graduated high school. Been downhill ever since...-John 
tweeter cutting out, what to do
If I remember correctly, quite a few Infinitys have self-resetting tweeters. I know my Rennaisance 90's (aledgedly) do according to the manual. Although I have never heard mine go off then re-set, I have heard my friends Kappa 7's do it. I believe... 
The most haunting music you ever heard?
The wedding march.Touche' Monsieur Enthrope..... 
Best solvent to clean Vibrapod marks?
Try WD40. It will remove some rubber based items & not harm the product you are working with. Good luck, John 
Has anyone used "Quiet Rock" sheet rock in room?
If you end up dbl-ing up on the drywall make sure you buy the extra deep receptacle boxes with the nails set in the right place. If you don't and you start to cover up the walls you will have a giant headache. Standard depth boxes will be too far ... 
Highest component/cable ratio?
I am also running semi low rate cables with my krell system. I went thru the mega-buck cables and for my taste the Monster IR ref. II interconnects & M2.4s bi-wires work. Bought the hi ends here on Agon & ended up selling and back to the M... 
Dylan & Starbucks anyone?
I think Walmart has the Eagles, "Gotta Fund our IRA" collection. Only available there of course.-John 
Yamaha RXv4600 w/HDMI issues. GUI ?
Zigonht. Thanks a lot. Now I have it.-John 
Yamaha RXv4600 w/HDMI issues. GUI ?
Can I keep the HDMI & component cables hooked up simultaniously and jog between the two? Thanks! John 
Yamaha RXv4600 w/HDMI issues. GUI ?
How will I change the input cable choice if I can't get to the setup? Is there a way to change them on the front panel? Please don't tell me I will have to manually change cabeling each time I want to adjust something.Thanks big time. This HT stuf... 
Jethro Tull...any cd's to stay away from?
You asked which ones to stay away from, but we state which ones we like. Guess we don't listen very well....Mr. Anderson & the boys came out with a live Agualung CD a couple of years back. They did the whole album live for XM radio or some suc... 
Nos Amperex 12AX7 Bugle Boy's hard to find.
Try "Davilyn Corp." in Oxnard, CA. I have no experience with tubes, but this outfit carries a lot of new surplus tubes from the aerospace & related industries. Maybe a new source for you tube folks.Good luck, John 
Top 5 recievers of the 70's and 80's ????
Don't know if it is a "top" receiver, but I highly rate it.Bought my Sansui 8080 in '73 I believe. Even today it is still delivering the goods. My daughter has it crankin in her college condo to this day along with my behemoth Cerwin Vegas. They l...