
Responses from johnto

What artists deserve a box set over view/compilation?
Deep Purple 
KEF LS50 or Wharfedale Reva 2 -- which would you buy?
I would check out Philharmonic Audio and the Philharmonitor for about $1300.00 Dennis makes wonderful speakers. 
Which technology is a better match for my Parasound Halo A21?
Hi I used the Parasound Hint which has less power with Maggie 1.7i and the combination was pure magic. Never had to turn the amp past 10’ , the combo had plenty of everything. The only time I heard ML was at a Best Buy and wasn’t impressed but it ... 
Parasound A23+ vs. Emotiva XPA-DR2
I would add that I owned Emo 1l monos and then switched to a Parasound Hint and the difference was astounding much more musical in all area's more significant bass and less harsh highs with the Hint. 
Parasound A23+ vs. Emotiva XPA-DR2
I would opt for soundstage, clarity and detail to get the cleanest music possible. Quality always wins vs quantity. 
That "Wow" Moment!
If you liked that lp try Savoy Brown Hell Bound Train 
Stereo Amp
I have the Pass 250.8 and it's an amazing amp.It will take total control of your speakers and will give you plenty on bass and bass control. I've been using it with Maggie 3.7i and until recently with a sub. The sub died and I'm amazed at the bass... 
Integrated amplifier search
I'd stay with the Parasound great sound, plenty of power and versatility. 
New Scout 1.1 with hum issues, kind of fixed?
Sometimes if you move the motor a bit it helps also try a mouse pad under the motor. Has the tt been serviced lately( lube and oil).Good luck  
Have speakers need new electronics
The Parasound Integrated can be had used for under $1600 and has everything you need including a great phono section. Lots of power and great sounding. 
why a high end phono preamp?
Yes you can purchase just a MM phono preamp Soundsmith for one makes them, I'm sure that there are also many others available. 
Brand New Warped albums!
I wouldn't try to fix a warped record that was purchased new if it gets further messed up it's on you. For the price we pay for records they should be received flat or returned.What happened to Q. C. anyway. 
Jimmy Page, It's time to call your lawyers?
I love Zep but they just flat out stole riffs and lyrics from the old blues and folk players without giving any credit or payment until forced into it by legal suits. Clapton the Stones and others on the other hand credited artists and made sure t... 
Favorite band or artist of all time?
Beatles is all you need, each lp is a different experience. 
Emotiva xpa 1 monos
Had a pair of 1L mono amps that just kept blowing trying to power my Maggie 1.7 speakers. Upgraded to Parasound Integrated and everything improved.