

Responses from johnk

Internal Speaker Cabling
Supra and why not direct wire? The binding posts are the weak link far more than cables used. 
Cardersound Nina's underwhelming...
It is only a fe126e a very small driver. Plus the enable process is a very questionable tweak. I feel you would be better off buying a larger driver than enabling a smaller one. 
upgrading speaker crossovers
Many times iron core inductors are chosen for a reason. And the higher saturation of the iron core is factored into design. If one uses a aircore you reduce power handling and can raise SPL of woofer due to less insertion loss of the aircore which... 
Best speaker design for low to mid volume?
Controlled dispersion designs sound better at low levels since they do not flood the listening space and direct SPL at listener thus better sound at lower levels. 
Most forgiving high end speaker 10k-20k?
Many loudspeakers are undersized with to small a cabinet with to narrow a baffle and to small a driver for proper bass or mid bass. Plus we have made much progress in tweeters. So you end up with a thin sound that emphasizes the upper range. On gr... 
speakers for low level listening
For me horns are the better loudspeakers at low volume levels. I have a few systems the ones with horns I can hear full sound at very low volume levels. The horns controlled radiation pattern allows sound to be less effected by room. Maybe conside... 
Thin Walled Speakers -Tonian, Musical Affairs, etc
A highly resonated cabinet adds coloration's but also allows transducers to vibrate excessively this plus added coloration's can effect ability to image at higher volume levels since higher SPL causes increase in vibration and coloration's due to ... 
How are Hig-End Speakers Priced?
This all depends on what type of business model the manufacturer is going for. Is it factory direct high or low volume then price reflects this, is it going through international distribution and retail outlets then its priced for that. Also you w... 
Warm Rich Lush Speakers...Recommendations?
Vintage Tannoys Altecs some JBL Or consider a modern horn. 
What is the crossover point ?
I know audiophiles with basically a few $100 in there systems. I know gear nuts with $10000s who do not understand how to get good sound or really care more into buying brands than performance. While some guys are setting up with care working on t... 
What makes a speaker too big for a given room?
Larger loudspeakers do not have in general slower bass,less life or poor low volume level performance and if one did it wasn't properly designed. For larger loudspeakers actually have less weakness than smaller designs which are total design compr... 
Best speaker in the $5-10K range. Details below.
If you can not go out I suggest looking on audiogon finding loudspeakers that are of interest. Buy them if not your cup of tea resell. It can be a cost effective way of hearing many loudspeakers in your home with your system. 
No, You Cannot Bi-Amp
Als right. For me best bi tri amping comes from matching ea amplifier to drivers it will run. This is a pain to pull off but once done worth while. Had a horn system with class d on bass horns, PP on midbass horn,SET on midrange horn,low power cla... 
What makes a speaker too big for a given room?
Poor design. For if the loudspeaker is large but designed to integrate and work in smaller spaces it can. Its many of the smaller designs that are compromised and under sized for proper sound quality. And may require near-field use in small rooms ... 
Fastest subwoofer?
The one with the least driver excursions would be the better sounding or as you say faster subwoofer.