
Responses from jhills

First Foray into XLR
@ieales We did not simply do A/B switching (I am not a fan of simple A/B switching). We extensively listened to both amps and to the VAC in both RCA and XLR inputs, at various volumes, and assorted genres of music, experimenting with two different... 
First Foray into XLR
I always did and still do, only to a point, believe that the main reason to choose XLRs over RCAs is to reduce noise, when long cable runs are necessary. Recently, while doing some A/B comparisons, with a friend, between a PrimaLuna, Dialogue, Pre... 
Please evaluate my system...
Tim, it sounds like , in all, you are quite happy with your system and in all, are quite satisfied with what you hear. While upgrades, or supposed upgrades will always be a part of the audiophile bug, there will always be fan boys (who mean well) ... 
The Magnificent Magnepan 30.7 speakers....wait, I don’t like planars!
Would love to, one day, afford the Maggie 30.7s and a room big enough to optimally use them. For now, I’m pretty happy with my little 1.7s. Those who say the Maggies won’t image well, if you’re not stuck to the sweet spot, I suspect, have not take... 
Over the years, I’ve enjoyed some very decent speakers, including Quad ESL 63s, Vandi 2cis, Geshhmans, ADS, PSB and others. One of my favorite small speakers (for small spaces) was a set of Focal. 2 way mini monitors, with external x-overs. Very s... 
Floor standing speaker isolation advice needed.
My best advice to the OP, keeping it cost effective and simple, is not to overwhelm yourself by trying to many things, in to many combinations. Using what you have, first try the individual items you have - by themselves. Listen and compare and if... 
Removing spikes... Now my speakers sing
 +1 hifiman5 
Removing spikes... Now my speakers sing
WOW! Geoff actually can deviate from making witty, snide, insulting remarks to imparting meaningful, helpful information....Way to go Geoff! 
Getting into Tube Equipment
+2 for the Rogue Cronus Magnum II integrated tub amp. I am driving a pr. of Magnapan 1.7s and it does a beautiful job. It also has a very decent phono stage. Can buy new for under $3,000.00 and sometimes find used for under 2K. Made in the USA and... 
Hard Audio - Ceramic Speakers
A while back, I had a chance to audition a host of some very nice, current model, speakers among them was the little Raidho, C-1.2s. At first listen, I was very impressed with their quick, dynamic and micro detailed presentation, but after a half ... 
Art Dudley Calls B.S. but without naming names - PLEASE DO!
@johnk I agree. While it’s someone’s right to spend mega bucks to by gear, without doing their homework, believing that higher bucks always means better sound - as that reasoning becomes the common consensus - it’s inevitable that good companies, ... 
Art Dudley Calls B.S. but without naming names - PLEASE DO!
+1 kahlenzI have had nothing but good experiences with most all of the companies you mentioned. And most have very good products that fall within the reach of an average person's budget...Jim 
Art Dudley Calls B.S. but without naming names - PLEASE DO!
@geoffkait Right?Regardless, the quot still holds true...Jim 
Art Dudley Calls B.S. but without naming names - PLEASE DO!
P.T. Barnum, the second greatest conman/showman ever, once said "There is a sucker born every minuet"....Jim 
If cost was no factor, what system would you build as your main audio system?
@mofimadnessJust a little teaser: Interesting video. I agree with many here - most expensive doesn't always mean the best, but some of the truly nice stuff out there, both new and vintage, seems to carry a hefty price.+1 for a bigger better room. ...