
Responses from jhills

If cost was no factor, what system would you build as your main audio system?
@chayro As much as I love tubes, there is a lot to be said for the convenience, control and command of top notch ss...Jim 
If cost was no factor, what system would you build as your main audio system?
@philjolet @mofimadness Not familiar with the MBL equipment, so had to google just for a look - WOW - very nice stuff! Definitely beyond my reach right now, but could certainly be on my wish list...Jim 
If cost was no factor, what system would you build as your main audio system?
+1 erikI can’t think of many speakers over $10k either, that would impress me allot. I would, however, love to hear the new Maggie 30.7s, but they wouldn’t do me much good without a much larger space and the power to drive them. My short list of s... 
Stand mount loudspeakers
Although not a small book shelf or stand speaker, the Spatial Audio, Hologram M4, open baffle, has all of the attributes of it’s $10,000. big brother - the X2, but is made for a smaller room and would check your every box. Ea. speaker is only abou... 
Does anyone leave their amp and preamp on all the time?
I found that my trusty old ADCOM sounds quite good and will hold it's own against much more expensive amps, but has to be warmed for several hours before it smooths out and starts sounding good. Since I'm retired, I usually listen to my system off... 
Notable very small loudspeaker companies (other than Tekton!)
+1 also for Spatial Audio. I haven't personally auditioned, but have heard and read good things. Considering my love for ribbons and stats, their open baffle design and simplicity peaks some interest...Jim 
Notable very small loudspeaker companies (other than Tekton!)
+1 for Gershman Acoustics! Lived with their little Cameleon for several years and liked them allot. A small 2 way floor standing speaker with very good base and a large detailed stage that has a way of making the walls disappear... 
Fine audio, like everything else, is relative. As much as I loved my Quads, I found that they were no longer practical when I moved from a home with a large and open listening environment to a much smaller space. After auditioning many smaller spe... 
Most musical, enjoyable affordable amplifier
One of my favorite amps was the little PSE Studio IV. Compared to just about any other amp near it's price, whether driving my Vandi 2Cs or Quads, it was like pulling back a veil and just hearing the music...Jim 
Well now... 400$ Mark Levinson amp new...
I don't believe I'd trust any of these clones to be anything like the originals. I have trouble putting much trust in a place, capitalizing on cheep labor and renowned for junk tools and poison dog food. For my money, I'll opt. for the real deal -... 
Changes that made a difference (in order of effect).
With the help of my most wonderful and patient wife, I hung heavy sun block drapes across the front wall, behind my Maggie 1.7s and the slight edginess and annoying bit of harshness, disappeared. I was to able to once more put my favorite, most re... 
Missing the Old Days
Here's a thought - a used pair of PSB Stratus Gold i. At 4 ohm and only 87 db efficient, they need a bit of good power to rock. Not only can they rock, but their detail and imaging, when pulled out from the front wall 3 to 4 ft and a couple of ft ... 
Would you change your amp selection knowing...?
@cheeg While I’m not an expert by any means, I have been an audio enthusiast for more than 35 years and have had the opportunity of owning or extensively auditioning some very nice equipment - speakers, amps, cables and accessories - some combinat... 
Would you change your amp selection knowing...?
In my last sentence, I meant to say - high speed data transfer. Regards, Jim 
Would you change your amp selection knowing...?
I tend to agree with anhwy61, shadome, almarg and others that feel there is no reason for high capacitance in a cable. To Al's statement "A cable having extreme and/or unusual parameters would be a non-starter for me" - I say "DITTO". The amps men...