
Responses from jhills

Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
@lalitk From what I've read and heard from others, I have little doubt of the sonic realism and incredible audio performance of the new ARC ref. series.  Does the new ARC reference amps auto-bias or can the owner, at least, easily adjust the bias ... 
Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
I read some incredible reviews, and talked to audio enthusiasts who rave about the sound of ARCs new Reference series amps. Hopefully their  reliability and delight of ownership, aside from bragging rights, is on par with their sonic bliss. Previo... 
The Slow Secret Death of the Guitar
While there certainly are some very talented new recording artists on the scene today, I find myself drawn back to the the age and/or style where real instruments - horns, strings, percussions, etc. - was the foundation of some very incredible arr... 
Is Spiking Necesarry?
For many years, as a machinist and field tech with the Westinghouse Corp. I spent a great deal of time analyzing and solving problems related to resonance and vibration. Wither to couple or to isolate, you are looking at two very different solutio... 
Integrated Amp Upgrade-itis hitting....
While doing some, at my home, auditions, of both SS and Tube amps and integrated amps to pair with my Magnapan 1.7s. Two of the tubed amps I was able to compare was the Prima Luna Dialogue HP and a Rouge Cronus Mag. II. When paired with the Maggie... 
What are some of the downsides of owning a Magneplanar .7 or 1.7i ?
Over the years, since the early 80s, I've had many very nice speakers including Quad, Vandersteen, Focal, B&W, Gershman, Snell, PSB, etc and have spent many hours in night sessions auditioning many other very fine speakers including the Apogee... 
Looking to upgrade my towers
Thanks for the info, it looks like you've got plenty of room to experiment with your set up and the placement you have now should be a good place to start with whatever upgraded speaker you're considering. Best of luck with your with your project.... 
Looking to upgrade my towers
Sorry to be so late in chiming in; seems nothing has been mentioned about your general set up. What is the size of your audio/video room? How far from the forward wall are the tower/front surround speakers, how far from the side walls, how far apa... 
Time for Two Ways !
I had a few nice two way speakers over the years; one of my favorites and one of the best per buck was the little floor standing, Gershman Cameleon. In a small to medium room they are very open and detailed with a deep and wide stage and very good... 
Autospec, sorry about your situation, but it could be possible that the seller himself didn't know how the inside of this unit looked, only that it powered up and seemed to perform properly.As a buyer I know just how much both ebay and paypal side... 
Pass Labs
I have never climbed a golden stair case nor have I ever, or will I ever audition a $80,000 dollar amp or $100,000 set of speakers. I can say though, that I have (after many hours of listening and comparing and within the limits of my budget) a sy... 
Amps from the 1980's -- What gear holds up sonically? Reliably?
A system I would loved to have had back in the late 80s and wouldn't mind having, even now, would be a set of Apogee Duetta II Sigs. driven by a pair of Mark Levinson 23s. I had a chance to audition that combination and fell in love.Maybe still so... 
Amps from the 1980's -- What gear holds up sonically? Reliably?
Still have and it still performs well and sounds sweet, a early to mid 80s Audible Illusions pre-amp. with phono section. One of my favorite small amps, affordable for my budget, was the PSE Studio II. At a modest 80w/140w - 8ohm/4ohm respectively... 
Ayre V-5xe Review
For a couple of months, I had the opportunity to use a Ayre V-5xe Evo. in my home system. I have to agree with your assessment, it truly is a class piece of equipment. Have always loved the Vandi 3s - that's got to be a great combo.Congrats,Jim 
Which Budget Friendly Floorstanders Next?
One of my favorite dynamic speakers, for the money, or even twice the money (sold new for around $2,400.00 and, if you can find, used for around $1,000.00) is the mid 2000s model, Canadian made, PSB Stratus Stratus Gold i. A fairly large floor sta...