
Responses from jhills

Best $40 I've spent...maybe ever
@ OP  Good thread! - definitely worth the time, effort and small bit of expense, to bring a system back to it's former best.+1 for Hubble Medical  Grade outlets  
Morrow Audio re-design announcement: No more Ag coated Cu; Increased numbers of runs.
Keeping it real - I am, of course, talking about above average use with standard 120V or 240V  household use, not for a mega volt, industrial complex.I do believe there are differences in cables and cords, not always for the better...Jim 
Morrow Audio re-design announcement: No more Ag coated Cu; Increased numbers of runs.
I was a master machinist and field tech for one of the worlds largest electronic, manufacturing/supply corporations, who sold high grade electronics (everything from giant electrical transformers, to switching gear, to industrial grade outlets, ca... 
Morrow Audio re-design announcement: No more Ag coated Cu; Increased numbers of runs.
@maxima95 Very interesting - I have a friend that is the head purchasing agent for our area's largest medical center. I'll ask if they use that, or anything similar expensive power conditioning units, along with $3,000.00 power cords in their faci... 
Morrow Audio re-design announcement: No more Ag coated Cu; Increased numbers of runs.
@ boxer12 It doesn't matter! It's all the same science. Regardless of the application. An outlet does one thing - it makes a connection to transfer current from a source to a device "nothing else" the only thing that matters is conductivity, a goo... 
Morrow Audio re-design announcement: No more Ag coated Cu; Increased numbers of runs.
I might also add that very sophisticated and expensive hospital machines do not have $3,000.00 power cords and a premium hospital grade 120V receptacle costs about $20.00 not $500.00.....Just sayn......Jim 
My music sounds brighter
Continually there are changes in our environment - everything from changes in temperature, changes in humidity and air pressure to fluctuations in microwave transmissions - that all have a slight affect on sound and an additional effect on how wel... 
Morrow Audio re-design announcement: No more Ag coated Cu; Increased numbers of runs.
Not one single industry, aside from elite members of the audiophile clan, use, or would use $10,000.00 pr Meter cables. Not the military, not performers on stage, not the recording industry; in fact just about everything is going wireless or heade... 
Recommendations for CD Player/DAC Combo
If you can find, the Onkyo C-700R, CD player at under $2,000.00 is one of the best you'll find at anywhere near your price goal....Jim 
Listening Height Adjustment -- Is This Why Two People Don't Hear the Same?
In general, line source speakers, as well as most stats and ribbons are considerably less affected by seating height (head height) than point source speakers.In my system, seating height seems to make no difference and the sweet spot is very broad... 
Is there actually a difference?
Back in the early 80s, a audio enthusiast friend and myself, each had a 100W HK SS power amp and had Audible Illusions pre-amps. My speakers, at the time was the Vandy 2c and I think his was the Pioneer HPM100s. In short - our audio dealer loaned ... 
MFSL worth it?
In my collection of LPs, from the 80s, I have a dozen or so MFSL LPs, everything from orchestral classics to Neil Diamond's "Hot August Night" to Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon". Since I bought them for their good sound and not for their futu... 
Which Nakamichi to choose?
@bstbomber I agree regarding the Nak. ZX-9. Truly a wonderful machine.I bought a ZX-9 new, back in the 80s and loved everything about it. It made perfect recordings and play back of all of my favorite LPs and gave many years of flawless service.Af... 
Budget/value SS power amp recommendation
+++ for the ADCOMsStill running a GFA-5500 as my back up. It never lets me down and (with a long warm up) it always sounds good.Also a big + for the B&K....Jim 
Listening to equipment at home before you buy
+++ for making connections with John at Audio Connection. I have never dealt with him, as I’m quite some distance from the NE. but he has a stellar reputation as a great source for help with anything to do with Vandyies.A while back, I had a chanc...