

Responses from jfrech

Hovland HP-100: Success with vibration control
I can't comment on your Hovland, but I can say that anything under my BAT preamp and phono stage makes real difference. I've tried the Black Diamond Racing cones, the DH Cones and Squares and Symposium Rollerblocks and Symposium shelves.I personal... 
What exactly does a DAC do?
Ok...I'll help.A DAC is a digital to analog converter. Your NAD has one inside. Basically, every cd player is really a transport (the part that spins the disc), a DAC, and a power supply for both. Pure Trasport? yes, there are just transports that... 
wilson watt puppy 7 and krell 400cx...which preamp
Given that that the krell amp, while very good, is solid state. I'd go for a little emotion, not a lot, and get the BAT. Maybe update it to a 51se.What speaker cables and interconnects? What source? 
Easier maintenance ARCVT100mkII or VTL mb125
I can't comment on the ARC or VTL. But, you can get autobias tube amps. Wolcott's and BAT are 2 examples... 
speaker cables for audio physic virgos
When I had my virgo's, I liked Cardas Golden Ref, then settled on Transparent Ref w/XL. The Trans Reference is a little pricy, but step down to the Transparent Super or Ultra. Great imaging, great highs, quiet black background, super bass. Will be... 
Looking at upgrading a Rega P-25/Lyra Helikon cart
I have my my Helikon on a SME 20/2 with SME IV'Vi arm. Great combo. If that's a little pricey, The SME 10 and SME arm is a great table as well...BTW, I upgraded from a Rega 25 when I got the SME. It buries the Rega. Everything, detail, unbelievabl... 
Wi Fi and Hi Fi
Albert, I have a linksys 802.11b wireless router in my house. When I istalled a a DSL line. I did hear some noise on the AC line, they installed a filter on the phone box outside. Worked like a champ. It was a high pitched squeel. Anyway it's gone... 
FIM Gold: Flexible Alternatives.
One last comment...the Silver version is more flexible. Just easier to manipulate...try one as well if you're super in love with the FIM sound.Kimber has much better IEC socket... 
FIM Gold: Flexible Alternatives.
I have (and using) a FIM Gold, Tran ref xl, electraglide and a Kimber Palladian 10. Try the Kimber. It's a little more nuetral than the FIM, in my setup, the FIM brings out the bottom end a little much on my amp. Oh, you won't need a pipe wrench o... 
OK folks, what the best pre for under 10,000?
I'm partial to the BAT VK51SE. But, I'll say any recomendation is system dependent. What else is in your setp?For the Wadia owner above, ever try a top rank preamp in the chain? I had a 860, the BAT preamp helped it a bunch in my system. Better dy... 
Review: Porter Port AC Outlet Customized Hubbell 8300 Tweak
I'll have to echo Lak's comments. I bought one, was skeptical, tried it, and all I can say is wow. I can't believe the improvments in detail, background queitness, but especially a much more dramatic 3d rendering of instruments. My wife can even h... 
I have dedicated lines, but why is this happening?
I had this exact problem. For me, it was a bad tube in the right side of my phono stage, plus a different tonearm cable. It was all phono related for me. Not sure if that applies in your case. 
Powering Audio Physic Virgos
50 wpc in a smallish room might work. Depends on the amp. I had Virgo's II's (very similar to I's) in a mid sized (18x 16) living room for 3 years with a BAT VK60 tube amp. 60 wpc. Absolutely loved it. Not a single complaint.If it's a good, high c... 
Wilson Watt Puppy 7 and Watch Surrounds?
ok, I have wp 6's with BAT/vk50se and vk75se. Personally, I'd max out the 2 channel first. Maybe add Wilson's watchdog sub and upgrade the vk6200 to vk150se's. Then add the watch surrounds. Maybe keep the 6200 to power them down the road. I'd keep... 
Severe Static/Slight Hum SME 20/2 w/BAT
Thanks all. I have a ground wire from the motor I which is on rubber mounts, and a ground wire on the upper plinth, which is where the bearing is bolted on. These 2 ground wires are grounded via the power supply for the motor. So, I took off the p...