

Responses from jfrech

BAT 31SE vs. 51SE
I had a 31se on loan while my 50 se got updated to a 51se. The 51se has more extension on top and bottom, more weight and liquidity in the middle, better detail and is more quiet. More refined. 31se is no slouch, it's pretty good, just th 51se is ... 
Audio Grade Fuse, Anyone?
I changed from the glass and wire type fuses to ceramamic, same value. I went the a electronics wholesale store, asked for 6, 3 for my equip plus a spare. They just gave them to me.Subtle improvement...like contact cleaning on one cable in your sy... 
Review: Purist Audio Designs Venustas and Opis Interconnect
I know Wilson likes Transparent. He usually demo's with them, and the WP 6's are internally wired with Transparent. I've been using Trans Ref w/ XL for years and never tried anything else. I think I'll try the Purist maybe in 6 months and see... 
SF Extremas and Bat vk50se
The 50se to 51se is a monster upgrade. The 51SE is in a different league. Much much better bass and treble extension, definition and detail. Queiter, better depth width, decay and wieght on all the notes.Your nuts not to do this upgrade. Search, s... 
Please Help My TT is acting like a tuner
I've had the same issue. And when I had a BAT VKP5 and it followed to my P10SE.Couple of thoughts...1) move your equipment in the room. Try the other side. Sometimes the RF will just be strong in that particular place. Even if just to experiment. ... 
Has anyone compared the following cables please?
I just posted a review of the Purist. You should audition it based on what you're asking for.What components are you using? 
Single Ended Class A Solid State?
The BAT SS amps get close. They bridge two single ended gain stages.www.balanced.com 
Need help to fix Hales Revelation One
Glad it worked! 
Any opinions on the Symposium Acoustics Platforms?
I'd try em under your sources first. I have a Ultra under my turntable (SME 20/2) and a Svelte w/point pods under my Esoteric DV50. Both are jaw dropping improvements. They all sit on a Arcici Suspense rack which is supposed to be stellar in vibra... 
Need help to fix Hales Revelation One
NO !!! The grill slides off from bottom to top. So, grab the steel frame of the grill, use one hand at the bottom, one at the top or middle. A good tug straight up...then slide up and off. It's on slots on each side of the speaker the the grill "r... 
Not much buzz about BAT lately?
Hmm...seems like at least one post a week here asking about info on their products. The VK51SE just had a round of stellar reviews the last 6-12 months... 
SACD versus Vinyl LPs
I've have to echo the above responses. I have a Esoteric DV50 and a SME 20/2, SME IV.Vi arm, Lyra Helikon cart.So my analog is much more expensive than my digital front end. However, vinyl is just plesant to listen to. Digital is really good...but... 
Graham IC-50 -vs-IC-70 "shotgun"
This is slightly off topic, but thought you might be interested.I used to own a IC 50. Then went to a Hovland, now a Purist Venustas (which is still breaking in).The Graham was din to RCA. The others din to XLR. my phono stage performs a little be... 
Kimber Palladian power cord vs. Non Palladian...
I'll try slapping one on the grill tonight and see what it tastes like!It's heavy and hard. Feels almost like Ferrite, but you can tell it's a cast material. Maybe something like Purist's Ferox or Shunyata's stardust acting as a filter of somesort. 
Help with Bat 300XSE "Phono Module" Cartridge ? ?
Hi, I have a BAT VK51se and VKP10se. The phono module in your BAT can do MM or MC. Your choice. The cart choice will depend on what table you go with, plus your phono section. I'd likely stay away from very low out put MC's, like .5mv or under. I ...