

Responses from jfrech

VK-55, VK-60, VK-75...
More power? Just go with a 2nd vk60. It'll also sound better...imaging depth, control... good luck! 
VK-55, VK-60, VK-75...
Fishwater...I'm sure the 75 is a little better. The 75SE is a huge step forward. What about a 60 to 60se upgrade? I've read around hear that the 60se and 75se aren't far off.Also, have you put better tubes in your vk60? The front two 6sn7's are qu... 
VK-55, VK-60, VK-75...
I had a vk 60 then went to a vk75se. The diff was rather large...not subtle at all. bass control, extension, ditto on the top end, better imaging, better depth, blacker background. All around a better amp. It was a little leaner in sound...but sti... 
VPI Brushes
if that' the applicator brush...maybe it's the fact the the 17 has a tube in the brush for the semi auto fluid applications... 
Wilson Puppies/5.1 and Amp
I have WP 6's. Search the archives. Tons of suggestions. BAT tube amps work great. I have a single vk75se right now. You could go dual vk60's for a great price....not sure your budget. VTL 450s might also be good. I prefer tubes with wilsons. othe... 
Gene Harris suggestions?
Gene Harris trio plus one is amazing. On Groove note label. Great great recording. You'll also like the anthony wilson trio on the same label. 
Help with Hydra Power Conditioner
Another drug addict. Start saving your money... :)If you love it keep it. Sure you can do other things...but enjoy this. The good thing about the hydra, or other power cords you may get, is you can keep them as your system changes. 
Aesthetix IO Mk II vs. BAT VK-P10SE w/ superpak
Ok, I've got some pretty good input I think. Check out my system first. I've gone from a p5 to a p10, to the p10se and now with the superpak version. I will say, that while the p5 is good, you have no clue what your vinyl can sound like yet. Expec... 
Does this preamp exist?
I think a BAT vk3i might fit that criteria with the phono card option... 
Turntables better than a Wadia 861SE w/ Statement
I think you're phono stage is your CAT is pretty good. Maybe someone else can comment. But for under 10K...you'll have a ton of options. I'd go for a used SME 20/2 with SME IV.Vi arm...approx 6k. Or a SME 10 and arm...4k. Spend about 2k on a good ... 
Turntables better than a Wadia 861SE w/ Statement
Agree with the above poster. However I prefer my vinyl setup. I just like the sound better YMMV. Given your investement $$'s in digital, you'll have to spend quite a bit. Also, do you have a preamp or using the Wadia direct to your amps?I used to ... 
Ayre phono cable??
I have to agree with nsgarch on swithing out the vdh cable. I've used Graham ic 50, Hovland Music groove and now a purist venustas. It's pretty startling.I run XLR's on my phono cable into my BAT phono stage. It does make a positive difference...a... 
Aesthetix Io phono with volume pots
www.musicalsurroundings.com for the Aesthetix website... 
Review: Balanced Audio VK P10 SE w/ Super Pak Tube preamp
Hi, no I haven't tried the cca's. I've read the same things. The amperexs are pretty big improvement for me. I called BAT, and they say the middle two 6922's are most critical, not the outer two. You might get 80% of the benefit with 2 cca's, not ... 
Review: Balanced Audio VK P10 SE w/ Super Pak Tube preamp
The 50 is nice in the fact it uses 6922's. You can change those out to your choice and get a different sound. That said, the 50SE and ESPECIALLY the 51SE are a totally different deal. Huge upgrade in all respects on the 51SE. I'd skip the 50SE and...