

Responses from jfrech

Moving from SS to tube system
Not a monoblock, but a BAT VK60 is under $2k used. 60w/ side. Tons of current, great sound. As with any amp, speaker matching is a good idea. Might should pick these together or at least have something in mind before you buy. 
standard counterweight vs drop counterweight
I tried one of these on a Rega Planar 25. Wow, more detail, more quiet, just plain better. It's not subtle either, it's very noticable. For the money, it's a good upgrade. Less that $80 I think I paid. 
Wadia 861 Owners...
I have my SME 20 turntable on a Symposium Ultra shelf, ditto for my BAT VK51se. My Esoteric DV 50 (brand new) is on some very large metal cones. My BAT VKP10SE is on Symposium Rollerblocks and fat padz. Everything then sits on a Arcici Suspense ra... 
Wadia 861 Owners...
If you generally like the BAT amp sound, go with their tube amps. VK 60s are a steal used right now. Run mono for more power. VK75se's will give you better detail, depth, bass control, top end extension.With the BAT tube amps, you'll get a more ro... 
Modern day equivalent of KEF 104.2s?
I used to love those Kef speakers. In their day, they were awesome. Both of the above are good suggestions. I'd also consider a Audio Physic Virgo II for a little less money (+/- $2500) or Watt Puppy 6's for a little more $$'s (+/- 10k). Room size... 
Need some pre-amp advice...
I used to run a Wadia 850 direct into a BAT VK60. This was 4 years ago when the 850 was near state of the art. I brought home a BAT VK50se at that time. Wow, an active preamp really improved things for me. Mostly in the area of soundstaging, bass ... 
Different sounding 6922's- Best for ARC ref one?
This is a hard question to answer. One, there are lot's of tubes. Two, tubes can sound different in different gear.Try reading this for some basic info. http://www.audioasylum.com/scripts/d.pl?audio/faq/joes-tubes.html.Also, I'd call a tube dealer... 
Muse Model 10
I had a 9 signature. I sold it about a year ago. I just bought a Esoteric DV50. The DV50 is better than the 9 sig (gen 3). Better detail, much better depth and width, and the images seem to be much more round, you can tell the instruments size. vi... 
SACD through headphones...
It won't be multi-channel. 2 ch stereo only, which should be on every SACD. And yes, you should hear a difference, provided the SACD sounnd better than the redbook version-whici is usually the case.Anytime the source is better, whatever is downstr... 
Best Amp/Preamp/CD or DAC for Wilson Watt Puppy 7
Since you have a VK51se, why not a BAT amp? They make a great combo. I have WP 6's, VK51SE and a VK75se. I love it.I'm sure the Lamm combo is great, I've read several reviews and posts on those. Ditto the VTL, which I've heard at my dealer several... 
Good looking tube amp suggestions
Another suggestion is the BAT vk-60. You can find these around $1600-1700. I'd desribe it's sound quality using your criteria. Not overly warm, but very rich sounding in the mids and bass area. Plus it looks way cool for you.I think the AtmaSphere... 
Review: Esoteric DV-50 CD Player
Thanks, I am real close to buying a new DV50. I'm curious if you or anyone else reading this has compared the DV50 to the Arcam 27a. I realize the Arcam does not do SACD. My dealer is giving my a deal on either one. Basically it works out that the... 
speakers with BAT
BAT demos with Wilson and WP's a lot too. The 3i is a great preamp. One of the classic tube designs. The vk30 is good to..but if I had a 3i, I'd spend some money somewhere else...not there. A vk50 or 51se however is a major step up. The vk30 is be... 
BAT VK75 / VK75SE Question
Buy a sound anchor stand for it (the 75se)! I was amazed by the improvement. Also, BAT equip loves dedicated 20 amp outlets, and good power cords. I use FIM GOLD, Kimber Palladian 10 and Tran Ref XL. Fim on my vk75se, kimber on the 51se, and trans... 
Tubes for the BAT VK5i
I've bought tubes here and had great service. Even had 2 go bad 6 months later and he replaced them free. Wasn't his fault and he really took care of me. I have 2 friends and between the 3 of us I've bet we've bought 2-3k worth of tubes from BWS. ...