

Responses from jfrech

Review: Balanced Audio VK P10 SE w/ Super Pak Tube preamp
Hi, p5-p10 was queitness, some detail, better bass imaging. The P10SE was a bigger deal, much better bass, much more depth, imaging detail.The p5 was a great phono stage for it's price, especially used. You can add the a Superpak to it for $900 (I... 
Review: Balanced Audio VK P10 SE w/ Super Pak Tube preamp
I have 2 good friends in Dallas with I0 sig's-dual power supplies. I suspect they are still better, although this has seriously closed the gap.I'll try and have a head to head demo at some point... 
Manley Steelhead
I use balanced inputs on my phono stage. It helps quite a bit, I heard it with the same cable run with with rca's and then a 2nd cable with xlrs.However, I think this is very dependent on the phono stage design. My BAT VKp10SE-superpak has a fully... 
Hales mystery?
If I remember correctly, Hales used a concrete front baffle at first. Said it was sonically better, was using it in the higher up models.Due to shipping costs, he went back to a 3 inch thick MDF front baffle. That might be your answer. 
Benz LP vs. Dynavector XV-1s
Jtinn,I'm "thinking" about moving from a Helicon to a Titan. Have you personally compared the Titan to the Dynavector? Table is SME 20/2 SME IV.Vi arm. Thanks 
SME 20/2A set up
You can spin the little round feet at the bottom to level. You should do this precisely...then...use the 3mm spacer to adjust the suspension posts. My 20/2 3 of the posts are about the same height, and one is about 1/3 inch higher...Hope this help... 
any experience w/ Wilson & Spectral?
Wilson's are just picky speakers. Picky about the room, placement within, cables, electronics, source material.All that said, I LOVE my WP 6's. I have the new 7 tweeters in them which help. I use mostly vinyl and BAT tube pre's and amps. Purist an... 
SME 20/2A set up
Just looked at mine, yes over hangs the plinth by about a inch. Never really thought of it as a problem, I kind of like it for sylus cleaning.The ball bearing tip is good. Also, try a better power cord on the motor controller. You'll be very surpr... 
Long Wall Speaker Placement: Pros and Cons?
They'll work. You may need something behind those speakers to damp the rear wave of them. I had maggies years ago with this placement. Check my system pics, my Wilson's are on the long wall now. My audio buddies say it sounds pretty darn good, in ... 
Problems with SME 10 Turntable
I have a SME 20/2 on a symposium stand. But I'm very familiar with your 10. The thing that worries me is "casters, wobbly stand, carpet." The symposium shelf can't deal with these problems. I don't think it's your table by what you describe. Can y... 
BAT VK-75 SE Tube Amp and Dynaudio Confidence C1s?
cbd0815: oh yeah i want to go mono. Right now I'm moving to all purist cables...then update the phono stage...then a new amp. 
BAT VK-75 SE Tube Amp and Dynaudio Confidence C1s?
I have the 75SE and Wilson Watt Puppy 6's in a 15 x 18 room. Sounds great. You'll likely be ok given the room size. 
Best matching amp for Wilson W/P6, any sudgestions
I'll have to echo most of Justin times comments on the BAT VK60. I've since moved on to a BAT VK75SE. It considerably tightens the bottom end, goes lower, extends more on top but keeps that sweet warm lifelike midrange.I've never heard my WP 6.0's... 
BAT's house sound
Bat makes solid state and tube amps. All of their amps have a wonderful midrange that's warm and inviting. That said, the solid state amps are pretty good on the extremes...the tube amps more life and wetness to the sounnd.The newwe 75SE and 150SE... 
SME V setup
I've fiddled with my SME IV.Vi a bunch. I'm using a Lyra Helicon. I can hear differences in VTA, Anti-skate, and tracking force. Pretty much just set it all close...and then expirament by ear. What I haven't done is go back and check overhang with...