

Responses from jfrech

Graham Phantom Supreme?
Bob, If you reply, I'd love to hear some details about your turntable you're building along with what differences you hear in the 9, 10, and 12 arm wand lengths...Thanks in advance 
Who tweaks VTF too?
So I think Tketchum hit it. VTF effects others so which is it that you're really hearing? I do adjust VTA for 120, 180, 200 gr records. I've arrived at 3 settings that are easy and simple to change on my triplanar.Past this i just dig the tunes vs... 
Kuzma 4Point vs Airline - is it worth the upgrade?
Hiho, thanks for the pics ! Now I understand the bearing! So Mikey kept saying chatterless...seems like their can be chatter is this bearing to...maybe he means less via the 3 points in a cup. 4th on a post... 
Kuzma 4Point vs Airline - is it worth the upgrade?
jameswei: glad you said that on mikey's bearing description. I read it about 5 times over 3 days trying to figure out what I was missing ! Now I don't feel (quite) so stupid!It is interesting the polarization on this arm. Some I respect above have... 
SME owners, what is your table sitting on?
Shunyata's are great. I got my hydra vray2 after i sold my sme. I loved the Purist Dominus Ferrox on my SME motor controller.... 
SME owners, what is your table sitting on?
Hi, I used to own a SME 20/2, SME IV.Vi. I took off the rubber grommets so the steel balls contact directly the following combos:1)Arcici Suspense Rack2)Arcici with Symposium Fat Padz3)Aricici Symposium Ultra shelf4)Arcici, Symposium Ultra + Fat P... 
Recharging Nargra Pl-P
I assume to you have the ACtoDC converter also? It's pretty much a automatic process. Those battery's do need to replaced occasionally. (yes they are soldered and shrink wrapped) I'd contact a Nagra dealer or go straight to the factory.as far as c... 
transparent audio ultra ic burn in time
Hi that's good to hear. Ultra is quite good, especially the MM2 version.I am using Reference MM2 or XL MM2 through out my system currently.Glad things settled down for you! 
Bat VK75 & VK75SE
Hi, I can't answer this directly. But I did go from a VK 60 to a VK75SE. This was several years ago.The VK 60, using the same 6sn7 input stage as the VK75 has a warmer tonal balance.The VK75SE has a newer and dedicated power supply for the input s... 
BAT Pre Amps
yes. I had a 50SE years ago that I upgraded to 51SE. In the interim my dealer loaned me a 30SE (may have been a 31SE). Anyway, both the 50SE and the 51SE surpassed it. More weight to the notes and just more there there. It was not subtle.Your 3Xi ... 
The Future of HDTV's is closer than you think...
if those 2 pics are for real...that's a nice improvement 
Want to buy a new projector.
Congrats ! I am sure you'll love it! I have a question on your sources. Do you like your meridian or oppo better for your projector? I got rid of my DVD player (Esoteric DV50) and I kind of miss it. Been doing Direct TV pay per view and the sound ... 
Small family living room floor-standing speakers?
I just bought a B&W soundbar, it's pretty nice for my wife and kids. Significantly sound improvement and all self contained. Auto turns on/off so wife kids will love it.Fits right below our 52" tv....I'd at least check this out.google b and w ... 
Shunyata Hydra: lifespan, new models?
Hi Grant, hope all is well. I've had my Vray II and 7 Shunyata cords now for 18 months or so. Really have enjoyed them and worth the investment.I to am curious about the new conditioners and sound differences. Do you mind posting a few comments? I... 
Speaker cables for Wilson Sophia 3
Hi I'd start a new post on the acoustic issues. That's a critical area to address also.I've used Transparent, Cardas and Purist all to great sounds with my Wilson's over the years. They all have strengths and weaknesses. I would not discount the n...