

Responses from jfrech

2 channel or a/v output for Esoteric DV50
dcs puccini w/ u clock 
White Substance on Aja 30th Anniversary
Hi, see this thread (11-3-08 from restock)http://www.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?eanlg&1207578074&openusid&zzRestock&4&5"There have been some problems at the RTI with a patch of inner sleeves that they received from their long-t... 
Benz LPS Sounds Bad, Very Bad at 45 RPM
send it to me for verification :) of the issue.... 
2 channel or a/v output for Esoteric DV50
The dedicated 2 channel output has a better final output stage. I had a dv50s for years (super machine btw). I never tried the av outs...b/c the others just sounds great :) ! 
White Substance on Aja 30th Anniversary
I've seen this before. Some of my early Music Matter's LP's have it. They deemed it glue from the record sleeve. The marks I have on my lps don't seem to interfere with the sound. Almost like the glue bleached the black from the vinyl slightly. It... 
Avalon Eidolon or Parsifal Encore
Hi, I agree with the other posters, maybe work on electronics. I'd also suggest upgrading your Transparent cable to the newer mm2 versions. This is a major upgrade. Can you move your center channel off your equipment rack? When it's being used it ... 
Original DSD/SACD recordings?
I'd order all 3 of sacd's on the Fidelis label. Killer recordings. 
EMI Electrola Pressings seem veiled,
just curious, and sorry this is off topic, how do you like your Titan i/Triplanar combo? I'm running a Lyra Skala/Triplanar right now and I'm considering moving up the Lyra line. (btw I love it-had this Skala now for about 3 years-almost scared to... 
Ideal SUT for Lyra Olympos cartridge?
What phono stage are you using? 
Cardas Cold Forging
Here is a nice pic of the cut open connection. Some possible evidence that the strands and the connector seem totally fused...http://www.cardas.com/content.php?area=insights&content_id=43&pagestring=Compression+Die+Forging+(video)From Card... 
Lyra 'house sound'
I am sure others will chime in also. I've owned a Lyra Lydian Beta, Helikon and 2 Skala's. As far as a house sound, I'd describe it as detailed, dynamic, great extension, power but with delicacy and finesse. The Skala has a drop of warmth that's v... 
Can anyone recommend a good balanced phono cable
Hi I used to have that BAT phono stage you have along with a 51SE preamp. great combo! I miss them sometimes, BAT has a weight in the midrange that's hard to find elsewhre. I ran my BAT phono single ended at first and then switch to XLR's. Balance... 
Cardas Cold Forging
So it's amazing to me the opinions the fly around when the most important thing is how it sounds. Which no one seems to have heard here....at least I offered up someone that has heard it...From watching the cardas video and having owned some of th... 
Cardas Cold Forging
pubul57, try audiogon user lenny_zwik, i believe he had his golden reference sent back and reterminated. Pretty sure it's a nice improvement and worth it for lenny... 
Triplanar VII and Benz LP-S
I have the same tonearm as you and wondered about that same combo. Right now i am loving my lyra skala/tri combo. I to have read from others that our triplanars are best with lighter cartridges