

Responses from jfrech

What is the best transport?
changeout, I am likely i the minority here. However, I think really good transport is tough to beat. Have you considered the dCS transports? The dCS Paganini transport is right at your price point (17k usd)I run a dCS Puccini and U clock currently... 
845 Tube Amps
Nagra VPA's are 845 based... 
Stan Getz 1953-54 Norgran set on Mosaic vinyl?
tone audio just published a review. See tonepublications.comthey say pretty much what jazzdoc just said...I'm ordering it also now... 
Worlds best DAC
Hi, I know your speakers and cabling well. Have heard the boulder only once, but I know its great stuff. Have u ever tried dcs? Given your system it might be worth auditioning. I'm in austin, the dealer here is great (also a wilson/transparent dea... 
Nagra VPS or Tron Seven Ref phono stages?
Cleans up the soundstage and brings out more relaxed and warm sound but a bit more detail due to lower noise floor, I agree it's pricey, but really looks good also...so not more clean/sterile for sure...I suspect something like a symposium ultra o... 
Nagra VPS or Tron Seven Ref phono stages?
I have a Nagra VPS, also several reviews you can check out for what that is worth (Tone Audio, Stereophile etc)Syntax has likely heard more phono stages than me, so maybe he has a point...The Nagra VPS is my system is pretty nice...wonderful sound... 
TriPlanar Tips
I am trying 1kitches ideas this weekend ! Will report back... 
Graham Phantom with Benz Lp-s Tracking problems
I don't have a graham...but that is a heavy cartridge, so you have the VTF set right? sounds like you have it a touch lite or the record is warped funny...A counter weight closer...might sound better...but I doubt it would change how it tracks to ... 
Jtimothya says it very well. I have a few Anaconda cx's and a few king cobra cx's.On my digital, Anaconda vs King Cobra was small step up, on my phono stage the lower noise brought out bigger gains in transparency and detail....Do you have Anacond... 
Lyra Titan: Stylus broken during shipping
I am glad it worked out for you financially. Lyra's are great, you'll have to try another one soon :) 
Latest new generation Lyra
Hi Jonathan, if you don't we might as well ask how the Atlas sounds in comparison to your others...maybe to the Skala or Titan i please. Thanks so much.We really appreciate you taking the time to post here! 
Latest new generation Lyra
Hi Jonathan, thanks I just read everything on your webpage !! Can you post here or send a private message on the retail price? I'm in the USA, so USD's...Also, any comments on tonearms? I'm using a TriPlanar right now. I'll keep this arm, but curi... 
Latest new generation Lyra
Doug, maybe Santa has a few more deliveries left I hope :)Jonathan, very much looking forward to reading (and hopefully) buying one very soon!Thanks 
Latest new generation Lyra
cyclopse, I heard the same as you on timing, but i have no info yet. If they are this close to CES, I suspect they might wait till then.I also heard that it was above to Titan i, like suteetat... 
Lyra Titan: Stylus broken during shipping
Did u see a pic before you bought it? Otherwise I think the other posters have a possible sequence of events, unless u accidently...I had a skala(actually 2) and a helicon for years, I never saw mine get as dirty as the pic above! Wow...