

Responses from jfrech

Amps for Maxx 2's
Well I am sure they sound good, but can sound dramatically better. There are tons of threads on what sounds good with Wilson. Do you have a budget in mind? Who set the speakers up? This can have a big impact on sound also... 
DIN adapters?
Hi, yes this is common. I am guessing you are referring to the little post on the side of the din? I had the same issue years ago. Most dins can be taken apart then you can rotate it 180. Be careful that the wires, sometimes delicate, don't break ... 
In search of : Phono Stage to replace Rhea
I haven't owned a Rhea, but have heard one in my system. It"s a nice phone stage sound wise. At the time I had a BAT VKP10SE with Super Pak. Another nice phono stage. I ended up keeping the BAT. For the money used, this is a great phono stage, hit... 
Lyra Dorian or Lyra Delos cartridge?
interesting thread and a little surprising on the tone to me.I can personally say the lyra team is top notch. I've owned 4 of their cartridges over the last 12 years. Each one of them special and killer great sound (Lydian b, Helicon and 2 Skala's... 
Purist Audio-fluid, ferox or contego?
I've had Ferrox and fluid dominus in the past. And yes you can hear it. Ferrox being more extended at each end, more quiet and more dynamic. Fluid having more beauty in the mids. If you're using solid state I'd consider the fluid or contego...It's... 
Has anyone tried the new Lyra Kleos?
HI I went from a helicon to skala a few years ago. It's a big upgrade. Warmer and more organic but increasing in resolution and extension. It's a wonderful cartridge. The skala stereophile review should be posted online...There is another thread s... 
Anti skating SME V
HI, you're right. I saw the 3rd pic and that kinda looks like a 20/12 but the platter is off...making it appear wider...thanks 
Anti skating SME V
Hi, that table looks like a 20/12 and a 312s arm in the photo...however I can't see the model #.... 
Uni-Protractor Set tonearm alignment
syntax, outstanding photo's. I just wish I could hear your cart, arm and table :)what lens? I think you used to have a nikon d200 or d300...still using this camera? 
Anti skating SME V
That's a great table/arm and a great cartridge. The the platter perfectly level? Or did adjusting the suspension cause it not to be level?On the din possibly effecting this...could be a issue with the wiring inside the arm. If the din has been spu... 
Flawed? Wilson's Aspherical Propagation Delay
I own Wilsons-and love em. No other speaker is for me. With that disclaimer...The OP seems to be transferring Alon's statement based on his speaker methodology (..."would not work for him b/c the crossover...") to Wilson's methodology. Wilson take... 
Uni-Protractor Set tonearm alignment
I agree. Wow. Hope you have a lot of success with this tool ! 
Cable Upgrades DCS Verdi,Purcell, Elgar, Verona
I am not the best source of info here....so with that disclosure...I recently purchased a dCS Puccinni and U-Clock. I replaced the stock clock cable with a Cardas Lighting with bnc connectors. It was a nice improvement.Also using the same Cardas c... 
Transparent Bi-Cable
Hi I"ve used Golden Cross and Golden reference before. Then went to Transparent Ref w/XL-major improvement in the areas you're asking about. Currently using Purist Audio Designs Dominus Ferrox (sold a bit ago) and now Purist Proteus Provectus Prae... 
Transparent Bi-Cable
What cables are you using now? Lack or power and muddy bass can also be a speaker placement issue, a room issue or node. Different cables may just excite a room or placement issue in a slightly different way...but it still maybe there.Also, are yo...