

Responses from jfrech

Best sounding CD player for 6,000.
I agree with all above, also add the DCS Delius plus transort to your list. Several around 4K, plus transport... 
Delius/Purcell Combo w/o upgrades--a good deal??
yes...if you do the upgrades, they replace the cosmetic front and sides with the new black color. the upgrade cost is determined by age and serial no, might want to check that out before you purchase...hard to beat the dcs stuff! 
Amps for Wilson Watt Puppy 6.0?
I'm using a single BAT VK60 to great effect. Not a large room 15x18. In your price range go with 2 or a VK75SE for a better amp... 
What are the benefits of a SET amp?
Like anything there are trade offs. But in general the sound is typically very lifelike...lots of air, weight, almost a wetness if that's a word to the sound. Most SET's are low powered amps and take careful system matching... 
Surge/lightning protection for Shunyata Hydra
I haven't done anything yet...buy I think Shunyata recommend surge suppresion at the panel installed by an electrician... 
Transports not important any longer?
I'd have to disagree from my experience here. I have a DCS Delius. It's sensitive to transports. Even differnt DVD transports. From the DVD side, I've used a Muse 9 and a Marantz DV-7000. The Muse is much more smooth, the Marantz sharper, more for... 
How are the phono sections in lower priced BAT???
I can't personally comment on the phono card for bat preamps that take them. But I own a VKP5 and a VKP10, both are awesome. Knowing BAT, it's great for the money, and since you don't need interconnects, likely, that helps a little to. 
how many have a WAF?
I just got engaged. Several of my ex girlfriends (and especially the ex wife) called my stereo the "other woman." Traci however, knows how much it means to me. For my birthday, she bought me a set of symposium rollerblocks, for Valentines Day, I g... 
6H30-"Super Tube" or "Stuper Tube" ???
Bat is using it in a number of their designs. I do know you need a different circuit, sorry, I can't give you any detail. In the Bat equipment, the step up from 6922 to 6h30 designs seems to give you much more quietness, more detail, just more. 
best 50 watt tube amplifier?
Bat VK60, 60SE, 75SE...gets my vote... 
Why didn't the DAD format take off??
I have a Muse 9 sig that sounds great with the DAD's. I'm really surprised that format didn't get anywhere either. I tend to agree that it just got lost in the SACD DVD-A stuff... 
Additional upgrade on power cords needed?
One more idea is to install dedicated AC lines...if you don't have them already...I agree with both posts above... 
what will make the greatest differance in sound.
Your on the right path...at some point garbage in gargage out...so I'd vote to start at the source. For the money, you CAL Icon is really good, I used to have one. But your speakers and amp are in a totally different league. One good option, if yo... 
is2e or is2 transport.. what is available?
Please check this. I am not completely sure I am correct here, but I believe the Muse 8 or 9(with output board), and the Camelot roundtable have this is2 connection... 
Help Bat VK60 owners...lost a channel...
Thanks everyone! It was the fuses. Don't know why they blew in the first place...but it's working now. It wasn't playing very loud. $1.19 at Radioshack...