
Responses from jetter

New and improved Diamond Back Oil!!!
Per @twoleftears it is also on eBay:   This just gets weirder and weirder. PC with molded plug and connector, some kind of small choke de... 
Jbl everest dd55000
@suso There are many exceptional subs made by a number of companies that specialize mostly in making subwoofers.  For example SVS, Rythmik, REL, JL Audio, HSU and the list goes on.  You will find lots of useful information on subwoofers if you do ... 
High Fidelity Cable replaces NPS 1260
This thread should be reserved for HFC and the serious discussion of whether these guys are going to get their 10’s of thousands of dollars in purchases refunded or delivered upon. Agree 100% with the seriousness of this thread to those who hav... 
Schitt freya preamp hum- how do I get rid of this?
Is the hum through the speakers, if so, both speakers?  If it is through the speakers, but only one speaker, try changing the tubes from left to right.  If the hum changes speakers, you know it is a bad tube.   If the hum doesn't change speakers m... 
I heard a costly system from Esoteric.
@yoyoyaya Just do a search here on Agon and you will find posters documenting their disappointment in having to send their units to Japan for repair.  This is nothing new other than you were not aware of it.   I believe that there is now one war... 
I heard a costly system from Esoteric.
Isn’t esoteric the company which until recently the owners of certain players got stiffed by having to pay $2,500 just for shipping costs to send their players to Japan for repair, and that did not include the outrageous repair costs themselves? ... 
I miss my Loudness Button and Tone Controls....
The newer Schitt Lokius has more bands and is a great EQ.  Pretty much a no brainer.    
Mogami - Quad 12 ga. in the house!
Actually, I hear things a bit differently.  To me the Canare speaker cables really outshined the Belden, but these were Blue Jean series cables.  Each manufacturer has many lines, so not a universal thing.    
MC901 monoblock tube matching Q
This is totally obvious, but at $35K MSRP for the monoblocks be totally sure to get expert advice before retubing these beasts.  It's interesting, I did not realize that there were any combination solid state/tube amplifiers built.  
High Fidelity Cable replaces NPS 1260
I have no experience with HFC whatsoever and I hope that those who have outstanding orders receive product or a refund. As a financial person I am somewhat familiar with the required planning performed prior to a business shutting the doors. Thes... 
Buyer Dispute
@kirbymydog Hi, I have been following your thread with interest.  Are there any updates you can share?   Thanks  
Is there a solid fuse-like item that I can use in place of a fuse, to bypass it?
This discussion is going round and round with neither of the parties agreeing on anything. This is because both sides are bringing preconceived notions to the table and refusing to see the other side. I wish that the only person who is truly with... 
Thinking of taking the plunge.
+??? Newest Bluesound Node 2  
Looking To Match A Tube Amp With A Pair Of Audio Note AN-K/Spe
If a slight "tailoring" of your sound is all that is needed would a Schitt Lokius suffice at $299 with 15 day money back guarantee? Seems like a possibility before making a large dollar gamble. Schiit Audio: Audio Products Designed and Built in ... 
Atma-Sphere vs. Supratek
@david_ten  The poster that you are criticizing stated that given the two, from a wiring perspective only, he would choose the Atma-Sphere.  He specifically mentions he is making his choice not based on sound quality. And his comment about messy ...